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Quick Jump:
★★★ - Standard
Known as one of the best hotels in town, Grand Sihanouk Ville Hotel is just a short distance away from the white sandy beaches at Ochheuteal.
★★★ - Standard
Minutes away from Ochheutaal Beach, Golden Sand Hotel is ideal for a holiday.
★★★ - Standard
The 3-star Seaside Hotel is placed about 3.5 km from Xtreme Buggy . It features 24-hour reception, valet parking and room service as well as free parking, currency exchange and a lift.
★★★★ - Superior
Golden Sea Hotel & Casino is located on Victory Hill, just across from the beach in Sihanoukville, Cambodia.
★★★★★ - Deluxe
Discover the first and only highland resort in the Mekong Sub-Region amid the pristine jungle wilderness and pleasant cool weather with beautifully landscaped hill on the Bokor Mountain, Kingdom of Cambodia.
★★★ - Standard
Rikitikitavi offers a small, stylish range of individually decorated rooms situated in a tastefully renovated wooden framed rice barn that’s steeped in history
★★★ - Standard
On a hillside in Kep National Park, the charming Raingsey Bungalow offers an outdoor pool, a restaurant and air-conditioned rooms with free Wi-Fi. It is a short 5-minute walk from the famous Crab Market and the sea.
★★★★ - Superior
For a low key, no-fuss hideaway couples, honeymooners, and those looking to relieve stress would find checking into the Veranda Natural Resort perfect
★★★★★ - Deluxe
Sitting on a serene and beautiful location in Cambodia, this resort offers a tranquil atmosphere which is ideal for a romantic getaway.
★★★★ - Superior
Koh Kong Resort, an ideal location for all kinds of business and leisure travelers, situated along the picturesque beachfront of Koh Kong, a coastal area in the Southwest of Cambodia, one of the supreme sea resorts in the Kingdom.
★★★★ - Superior
Ideally located close to the Thai border between Bangkok and Phnom Penh, 4 Rivers Floating Lodge is situated in Tatai and is reachable via Koh Chang.
★★★★★ - Deluxe
Strategically located in the middle of the city, this 5-star resort makes for an ideal base in Siem Reap. It is ideally located for those wishing to discover the area's attractions.
★★★★ - Superior
The Shinta Mani Resort is a solid four-star hotel in central Siem Reap, offering simple rooms clustered around a pool and a great spot to hang out after a day among the temples.
★★★★★ - Deluxe
It’s all about style at the Shinta Mani Club. Hotel architect-designer Bill Bensley has created an eclectic and very chic boutique hotel that exudes peace and quiet
★★★★★ - Deluxe
Welcome to Angkor Era, a luxurious 5-Star Hotel designed to follow the theme of “Reliving The Exotic Past of Angkor” and located in Siem Reap, Kingdom of Cambodia which is renowned for the famous Angkor  Archaeological Park and home to many of the 
★★★★★ - Deluxe
Embark on an adventure at The Sothea – an all-suite Siem Reap luxury hotel.