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★★★★ - Superior
Khemara Angkor Hotel has been design to offer to its guests high standard and comfort within a unique classic Khmer style.
★★★★★ - Deluxe
Heritage Suites Hotel is a sophisticated boutique retreat in Siem Reap, Cambodia. Minutes away from the majestic Angkor temples, its grand colonial façade conceals the 6 intimate rooms and 20 newly refurbished suites nestled amidst lush tropical gard
★★★★ - Superior
Golf Angkor Hotel provides modern 4-star accommodation in Siem Reap. It has a gym, as well as a Jacuzzi, free Wi-Fi and an outdoor pool.
★★★★★ - Deluxe
Tenth century Khmer charm and warmth mixed with modern amenities and style describes the Empress Angkor Resort & Spa. Spend a day getting buffed, scrubbed and pampered at the spa and massage center.
★★★★ - Superior
Your golden memories will be timeless during your stay at Dragon Royal Hotel, enhanced by the fun-loving and hospitable people of Cambodia whose lives remain simple and relaxed.
★★★ - Standard
Situated in the city of Kampong Thom, Sambor Village Hotel is surrounded by tropical gardens located on the banks of the Stung Seng River
★★★★ - Superior
Tara Angkor Hotel is the 4-Star Luxury Hotel built in the mystical land of Angkor. Ideally and conveniently located.
★★★★ - Superior
Saem Siemreap Hotel is equipped with premium room amenities and facilities and services, according to Hotel Five Star Standard. Its elegant and unique Khmer architecture is boosted with cool and fresh air, flower fragrance and a salt-water pool at th
★★★★ - Superior
Smiling Hotel is a newly established, Deluxe Four Star hotel, seeking to share true Cambodian hospitality and luxurious facilities with visitors over the world.
★★★★★ - Deluxe
Located in Siem Reap, Regency Angkor Hotel is an ode to this great city through awe inspiring architecture and decor, inspired by the former royal dynasty
★★★★ - Superior
Princess Angkor Hotel is located in Siem Reap and offers complimentary Wi-Fi. It also features an indoor pool, a sauna and a gym.
★★★★★ - Deluxe
Viroth Hotel is the perfect spot to relax and enjoy the comforts of a world-class hotel in the unsurpassed holiday destination of Siem Reap
★★★★ - Superior
Tanei Resort And Spa is rated 4 stars and provides visitors with currency exchange, a storage room and a safe deposit box.
★★★ - Standard
Tanei Boutique Villa is one of the finest Boutique Hotel in Siem Reap.
★★★★ - Superior
A 15-minute drive from Angkor Wat, this hotel is housed in a colonial-style mansion. It offers an outdoor saltwater pool and rooms with garden or pool views
★★★★ - Superior
Best Western Suites and Sweet Resort Angkor offers luxury suites with private pools, across from Khmer lake