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Quick Jump:
★★★★ - Superior
Cheathata Angkor Hotel is a unique property located within the city center, a minute's walk to the popular Pub Street and Night Market.
★★★ - Standard
Conveniently located in the heart of Siem Reap with easy reach to tourist attractions, Silk D'Angkor Boutique Hotel is on the main road to the famous Angkor Wat - a UNESCO World Heritage site and just 7.5 km to Siem Reap International Airport.
★★★ - Standard
Conveniently located in the middle of the city, this 3-star hotel makes for an ideal base in Siem Reap.
★★★★ - Superior
Strategically located in the middle of the city, this 4-star hotel makes for an excellent base in Siem Reap.
★★★★ - Superior
City Angkor Hotel boasts traditional Khmer designs and easy access to the city’s attractions.
★★★★ - Superior
Frangipani Villa Hotel has the best location, which is located in the very center of Siem Reap; and it takes only 10 minutes to drive to the world famous Angkor Wat Temples as well as to the airport.
★★★ - Standard
Take a break from monotonous hotel rooms when you pick Central Boutique Angkor Hotel as your place of stay in the city.
★★★ - Standard
Prum Bayon Hotel built in the styles of the khmer and colonial architecture and decorated like the home of Khmer
★★★★ - Superior
Built with a unique Cambodian state-of-the-art concept combining subtle elegance and artistry, the Memoire D Angkor provides an oasis of comfort and relaxation, and continues its legacy journey to provide its guests with the ultimate happy experience
★★★★ - Superior
Malu Khmer Villa is small boutique hotel, offering its quests an authentic Cambodian experience.
★★★★ - Superior
Located in the heart of Siem Reap City, Marvel Holiday Boutique is a charming and elegant boutique hotel that combines the rich and traditional architecture of the former Khmer Kingdom of Empire
★★★ - Standard
Welcome to Monica Angkor Hotel, a conveniently and perfectly situated place in Siem Reap city
★★★★ - Superior
Starry Angkor Hotel is a unique hotel for tourists as well as corporate guests who expect outstanding hospitality and also friendly service. Whether you are on company or satisfaction, the Starry Angkor Hotel is an elegant place, elegantly equipped t
★★★ - Standard
Royal Villa Angkor Hotel is a business accommodation just a 20-minute walk from the city center.
★★★★ - Superior
The Sovan Mealea Hotel is located in the heart of Siem Reap city and surrounded by shopping centers, restaurants, and bars.
★★★ - Standard
Situated in Siem Reap Central Area, Angkor Vattanakpheap Hotel is the perfect place to experience Siem Reap and its surroundings.