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★★★ - Standard
Step inside a luxury and be inspired by the Khmer architecture, warmth & hospitality, the Hotel offers comfortable and peaceful accommodation with modern designs in a unique environment that will make your stay memorable.
★★★★ - Superior
Situated next to the lively Pub Street, Steung is less than a 5-minute walk from Siem Reap River. Featuring French-colonial décor, it offers an outdoor pool and a fitness room.
★★★ - Standard
Situated in Siem Reap Central Area, Desire Park Hotel is the perfect place to experience Siem Reap and its surroundings.
★★★ - Standard
Fully renovated in summer 2011, Claremont Angkor Boutique Hotel is ideally located in Central Siem Reap in a quiet neighborhood,
★★★★ - Superior
DARA REANG SEY Hotel is a luxurious haven, elegantly furnished to provide you with a comfortable stay and enjoys the facilities and traditional DARA REANG SEY Hotel.
★★★★ - Superior
DARA REANG SEY HOTEL is a complete 4 star hotel in Siem Reap, provides personalize accommodation and restaurant services to business and leisure travelers for comfort, privacy and relaxation to the exploration of Ancient ruins of Angkor, the World He
★★★ - Standard
Inexpensive rates, a central location, and friendly staff make for an ideal accommodation for the business, leisure, or budget traveler.
★★★ - Standard
When visiting Siem Reap, you'll feel right at home at Holy Angkor Hotel, which offers quality accommodation and great service. From here, guests can enjoy easy access to all that the lively city has to offer.
★★★ - Standard
Kaorm Hotel is a good designed for tourists and jointed guests who expect very good hospitality for the purpose of business or preference
★★★ - Standard
Siem Reap Evergreen Hotel, located in Sala Kamreuk, Siem Reap, is a popular choice for travelers. With its location just 2.0 km from the city center and 8 km from the airport, this 3-star hotel attracts numerous travelers each year.
★★★★★ - Deluxe
Sokha Phnom Penh is strategically located on Chroy Changvar peninsula, opposite to the Royal Palace and approximately 13 km from Phnom Penh International Airport
★★★ - Standard
This hotel was renovated from a French colonial villa and offers spacious rooms overlooking the Mekong River. FCC Phnom Penh Boutique Hotel is centrally located along the riverfront with the Mekong River to the east and the National Museum to the wes
★★★★★ - Deluxe
With 1658 luxurious rooms and suites, NagaWorld is one of the largest 5-star hotels and the only luxury premium casino in Cambodia.
★★★★ - Superior
A warm welcome to the Kingdom of Cambodia. Situated on the banks of the famous Mekong River, the magnificent Hotel Cambodiana is located in the heart of Phnom Penh’s central business and tourist districts, offering visitors convenient access to all t
★★★★★ - Deluxe
Raffles Hotel Le Royal is built around a central private courtyard, with two swimming pools fringed by Frangipani-lined tropical gardens.
★★★★★ - Deluxe
Located in Phnom Penh's Old Quarter featuring colonial-style architecture, Sofitel Phnom Penh Phokeethra boasts an outdoor swimming pool.