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Bayan Tree Langco
Bayan Tree Langco
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Bayan Tree Langco

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Bayan Tree Langco

Explore the beauty and charm of Lăng Cô in Central Vietnam. Banyan Tree Lăng Cô is an all-pool villa golf resort by the East Sea with views to Truong Son Mountain Range and the longest private beach in Lăng Cô. Enter a world of ancient and modern history, dramatic vistas in a rugged landscape, unspoiled nature and three UNESCO World Heritage Sites nearby; Complex of Hue Monuments, Hoi An Ancient Town and My Son Sanctuary. Lăng Cô is culture and tropical paradise in one amazing destination.

Contact us for rates.

Located in the tranquil Southern coast of Vietnam near Lang Cô Bay, retreat to this intimate collection of stunning pool villas in Banyan Tree Lang Cô, Central Vietnam. Step into opulent villas reminiscent of past Vietnamese dynasties complete with sophisticated modern amenities. Surrounded by eco-diverse mountains, spectacular national parks and awe-inspiring UNESCO World Heritage Sites, explore the cultural riches of Indochina.

Banyan Tree Lang Co offers luxurious villas with private pools. A villa with an extensive private pool overlooking the beauty of the lagoon featuring a spacious pool terrace complete with sun loungers and a lush private garden.

Full day
From 176 AUD

The Vietnamese Demilitarized Zone was established as a dividing line between North and South Vietnam as a result of the First Indochina War. The boundary between these two zones was established at the Ben Hai River, which enters the East Sea at 17 degrees 0 minutes 54 seconds N latitude. The boundary followed the Ben Hai to its headwaters, about 55 km WSW, and thence to the Laotian border.

A half day
From 119 AUD

Hue has a strong royal heritage. Hue food is unique to Vietnam and Hue offers a variety of “Royal” restaurant cuisine. In this cooking class, enjoy the taste of Hue’s local delicacies such as Hue pancakes. Learn how to prepare delicious Hue recipes in the beautiful, traditional Garden House of Y Thao. Set in a lush green garden near the Citadel, Y Thao is a charming ancient house filled with collectibles.

A half day
From 59 AUD

This private tour of Hue gives you a great insight in to Hue's past with an experienced and informative local guide. You visit the Forbidden Citadel, home to the Nguyen Emperors of Vietnam from the 18th century until 1945 and Thien Mu Pagoda one of the best known Buddhist sites in the city.

2 days
From 336 AUD

Phong Nha Caves are a complex of 14 grottoes situated in a region of Limestone Mountains in Ke Bang National Park. The caves were listed as a World Natural Heritage Site in July of 2003 by Unesco. On the way we visit some of the most famous battlefields in the Vietnam War

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Cherish Hotel includes 11 floors with 98 well-equipped and comfortable rooms, created from stone, brick and Padouk wood. The hotel was designed sensiblly and elegantly in order to bring a relaxing private and comfortable space to guests.
★★★★★ - Deluxe
Imperial Hotel - Huế, a Hotel of Choice by royalty, heads of state, international business leaders, diplomats, celebrities and artists, and where renowned Huế hospitality is in our DNA.
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Since opening in April 2014, Eldora Hotel has become a luxury icon in the heart of Hue City, delivering distinctive service featuring French artistry and graciousness. Eldora is the best 4 star boutique hotel which embodies the very essence of colon
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Cherish hotel is under the management of Hoai Nam joint stock company. Its investor is the founder and operator of Camellia hotel chain in Hanoi. With stable economic strength and experienced staff, we strive to build Cherish hotel to become a profes
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Alba mineral water is the resounding ingredient at Alba Spa Hotel. The water is sourced from the geothermal hot springs which Dr. Albert Sallet discovered in 1928, at the site of Alba Hot Springs Resort 30km outside Hue. Rich in minerals, the water i