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Bayan Tree Langco
Bayan Tree Langco
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Bayan Tree Langco

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Bayan Tree Langco

Explore the beauty and charm of Lăng Cô in Central Vietnam. Banyan Tree Lăng Cô is an all-pool villa golf resort by the East Sea with views to Truong Son Mountain Range and the longest private beach in Lăng Cô. Enter a world of ancient and modern history, dramatic vistas in a rugged landscape, unspoiled nature and three UNESCO World Heritage Sites nearby; Complex of Hue Monuments, Hoi An Ancient Town and My Son Sanctuary. Lăng Cô is culture and tropical paradise in one amazing destination.

Contact us for rates.

Located in the tranquil Southern coast of Vietnam near Lang Cô Bay, retreat to this intimate collection of stunning pool villas in Banyan Tree Lang Cô, Central Vietnam. Step into opulent villas reminiscent of past Vietnamese dynasties complete with sophisticated modern amenities. Surrounded by eco-diverse mountains, spectacular national parks and awe-inspiring UNESCO World Heritage Sites, explore the cultural riches of Indochina.

Banyan Tree Lang Co offers luxurious villas with private pools. A villa with an extensive private pool overlooking the beauty of the lagoon featuring a spacious pool terrace complete with sun loungers and a lush private garden.

Full day
From 60 GBP

World famous as the most royal city in Vietnam, Hue is definitely a sight to behold with it's ancient palaces, a complex of monuments, tombs and ornate pagodas.

A half day
From 66 GBP

Whilst in Hue, take the opportunity to rub shoulders with royalty with a visit to the residence of Pham Ba Vinh and his wife, Ton Nu Cam Tu. Mr Vinh is of royal heritage and during your visit to the delightful Tha Om Garden House, he will undoubtedly regale you with a few stories of his ancestral roots.

2 days
From 192 GBP

Phong Nha Caves are a complex of 14 grottoes situated in a region of Limestone Mountains in Ke Bang National Park. The caves were listed as a World Natural Heritage Site in July of 2003 by Unesco. On the way we visit some of the most famous battlefields in the Vietnam War

Full day
From 99 GBP

This tour package was designed for tourists who are looking for a more eco-tourist experience by traveling to the places less seen by other people. This fantastic experience brings you closer than ever to the people and customs in this area. You will get to cruise through the Tam Giang Lagoon and learn about the daily lives of the fishermen and people of this area.

Other Hotels

★★★★★ - Deluxe
Lăng Cô is a true tropical paradise, with amazing beaches, clear waters and lush greenery. It is also a centre for cultural exploration, hiking in the hills and other exciting activities. Plan your stay in Lăng Cô well, to savour every moment and exp
★★★★ - Superior
With a 14-storey building and a few minutes walk from the lovely and poetic Huong River, almost the bedrooms and service areas guide the visibility distance to the Huong River, Kim Phung Mountain, Ngu Binh Mountain and Truong Tien famous bridge, … Mi
★★★★ - Superior
Moonlight Hotel, is a luxury 4 star hotel located in the centre of Hue just 15 kms from the airport and attracts numerous travelers each year. The four star hotel is a haven of rest and relaxation and offers total renewal just steps away from the c
★★★ - Standard
The Scarlett Boutique Hotel, has 18 rooms with all of the modern amenities. Our Boutique Hotel Hue is small enough that we can provide special attention to guests, and make their stay as enjoyable as possible. Our Boutique room is perfect for honeymo
★★★ - Standard
Crown Hotel is located in the heart of Hue city, near Big C supermarket. With a quiet, peaceful quality of the services, Crown is the ideal choice for your vacation in Hue.