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Paradise Saigon Boutique
Paradise Saigon Boutique
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Paradise Saigon Boutique

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Paradise Saigon Boutique

Luxurious with modern architecture combined between the Eastern and Western decorations, the Paradise Saigon Boutique Hotel & Spa has been known as the top of its class in the City of Ho Chi Minh.

Contact us for rates.

It is located in the heart of the city, 20 minutes from International Airport and within 5 minutes you can walk to all the excellent shopping malls in Saigon. 

Each hotel is like its own little city, with jobs ranging from general manager to housekeeper to engineer. No matter what interests you, you are sure to find an exciting, challenging position with us.

Full day
From 45 GBP

Saigon as the city is still frequently referred to be Vietnam's largest city. It is a fast-paced city full of contrasts as street vendors selling fruit and vegetables can be seen next to glitzy western-style bars and boutiques.

Full day
From 96 GBP

Delve into the vibrant flora and fauna of Can Gio Biosphere Reserve, a chemically damaged expanse that now teems with life, on a full-day tour from Ho Chi Minh City. Accompanied by an expert naturalist guide, travel the atmospheric mangroves of the UNESCO-listed site by motorized canoe and observe monkeys and nesting birds in their natural habitat. Gain fascinating insight into the complex ecosystem of the enclave and visit a bat lagoon and crocodile swamp.  Ascend to the summit of Tang Bong Tower to capture sweeping views of the surrounding and catch a glimpse of Rung Sac Guerilla Base on this captivating tour. 

Full day
From 62 GBP

Enjoy a visit to Tay Ninh, home of the unique Cao Dai sect which is a mix of Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism and Christianity.

Full day
From 45 GBP

Got a spare day in Ho Chi Minh City up your sleeve? Fill it with this full day tour that covers a lot of ground. Museums, markets, monuments, and the every day mayhem of the busy city streets all converge on this Urban Adventure. 

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