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Liberty Central Riverside
Liberty Central Riverside
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Liberty Central Riverside

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Liberty Central Riverside

Overlooking the Saigon River in the heart of Ho Chi Minh City, Liberty Central Saigon Riverside Hotel is set on the doorstep of the city's main landmarks and attractions. 
The 170 rooms and suites offer modern amenities including flat-screen TVs, while floor-to-ceiling windows showcase views of the river. Guests can also indulge in Asian and Western dishes at the Central Restaurant, or unwind in the Central Spa, gym or rooftop swimming pool, which sits on the 25th floor and offers panoramic views of the city. The perfect option for visitors wanting to get to the very heart of Ho Chi Minh City.

Overlooking the Saigon River in the heart of Ho Chi Minh City, Liberty Central Saigon Riverside Hotel is set on the doorstep of the city's main landmarks and attractions. The 170 rooms and suites offer modern amenities including flat-screen TVs, while floor-to-ceiling windows showcase views of the river. Guests can also indulge in Asian and Western dishes at the Central Restaurant, or unwind in the Central Spa, gym or rooftop swimming pool, which sits on the 25th floor and offers panoramic views of the city. The perfect option for visitors wanting to get to the very heart of Ho Chi Minh City.

Why Preferred:

Relatively new affordable hotel with central.

Location along the Saigon riverfront.

Full day
From 77 USD

Enjoy a visit to Tay Ninh, home of the unique Cao Dai sect which is a mix of Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism and Christianity.

Full day
From 64 USD

This tour is a combination of discovering modern city Saigon and learning about the history of Vietnam. Discover the city highlights of Saigon and then go beneath the ground, and explore 200 km of tunnels!

Full day
From 64 USD

Discover Mekong Delta with a visit to My Tho could bring to you the unforgettable experiences with the honestly and lovely local people. Visit and horse ride in Ben Tre, a most famous coconut-town in Vietnam, full of beautiful scenery.

Full day
From 56 USD

Got a spare day in Ho Chi Minh City up your sleeve? Fill it with this full day tour that covers a lot of ground. Museums, markets, monuments, and the every day mayhem of the busy city streets all converge on this Urban Adventure. 

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