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The Strand Yangon is an iconic, colonial-styled hotel that was restored to its original glory in the 1990s.

Considered a landmark in Yangon, the hotel is located in the downtown heritage area. Chinatown, Sule Pagoda and Aung Sang Market are within a 20 minute walk. It is a 20 minute drive to the National Museum and a 30 minute drive to Yangon International Airport. 

Benefiting from a 24H butler service and a massage center, it was renovated in 2016. The interiors have been decorated in classic cream with parquet rooms. The suites come with high ceilings and a sitting area. The bathrooms have twin vanities, a shower and a bathtub. Added conveniences include a tour desk, free Wi-Fi in public areas and 24H room service. 

Guests can enjoy a fine dining experience in The Strand Restaurant, visit The Strand Café for all-day dining or enjoy a drink at Sarkies Bar. 

Contact us for rates.

The Strand, Yangon is within a 20-minute walk from Chinatown, Sule Pagoda and Aung Sang Market. It is a 20-minute drive from the National Museum and a 30-minute drive from Yangon International Airport.

Address: 92, Strand Road, Yangon downtown, 11181 Yangon, Myanmar

Featuring classic cream interiors and parquet rooms, the spacious suites come with high ceilings and a cosy seating area. The large bathroom boasts twin vanities, a shower and a bathtub.

Enjoy traditional Myanmar massages and floral baths in the massage suite after a day of activities. Added conveniences include a tour desk, free WiFi in public areas, 24-hour room service and a fitness room.

The Strand Restaurant offers a fine dining experience, combining Mediterranean cooking with a modern twist. All-day dining is offered at The Strand Café. You can also enjoy a drink or light snacks at the Sarkies Bar. 

Yangon downtown is a great choice for travellers interested in street foodcity walks and street markets.

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