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Lasenta Hotel
Lasenta Hotel
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Lasenta Hotel

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Lasenta Hotel

Set at the outskirt of Hoi An, Lasenta Boutique Hotel Hoi An has a stunning view over the rice fields and the city. With 73 modern and elegant furnished rooms, Lasenta Boutique Hotel Hoi An is an ideal accommodation for a wide range customer target. An excellent customer service is guaranteed and we assure high quality products with an outstanding service.
La Sen Ta (Vietnamese Lotus Leaf) evokes many feelings and has a strong bound to nature and Vietnamese Culture – ancient and modern. We have combined these important elements to provide an unique experience to our customer.
Upon arrival at Lasenta Boutique Hotel Hoi An, you will be served a welcome drink which can be taken in the Lúa Lounge and Restaurant and the Courtyard Café. Enjoy the peaceful views out over the rice fields, or admire the water lily ponds in the central courtyard before being taken to your room.
We employ a total of one hundred staff, all recruited locally and with a good knowledge of Hoi An and its surroundings.

Contact us for rates.

Located only 1.5 km from the historic city centre whose ancient streets will enchant you, Lasenta Boutique Hotel Hoi An is located in a quiet part of town overlooking the verdant rice fields stretching down to the river and overlooking the countryside towards Cua Dai River estuary to the rear. 

As a family run business, we take pride in the fact that we have retained a large number of staffs who have grown in experience and confidence over the years spent with us. We like to think that this is a reflection of the conditions and atmosphere that we have created for our employees, and naturally this will extend to the staffs serving you at our Hotel.

Full day
From 53 GBP

Experience Hoi An Ancient Town's quaint streets, ancient shrines, cozy ambiance and hospitable people. A guided day tour will give you a clearer picture of the ancient town.

Full day
From 56 GBP

The ancient landscape of Cu Lao Cham Island offers many sand beaches, forested hills, and the sea. Facilities for camping, swimming and scuba diving are readily available. The corals and marine life are an attraction in these island waters. The islands are also recognized as national scenic site of Vietnam.

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