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Hoi An Glory Hotel & Spa
Hoi An Glory Hotel & Spa
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Hoi An Glory Hotel & Spa

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Hoi An Glory Hotel & Spa

Hoi An Glory Hotel & Spa is ideally located about 500 meters from the heart of Hoi An, by one side the main road of Cua Dai from the little town to the white sand beach. Hoi An Glory Hotel & Spa is built with special style of the town's ancient houses giving impression of a village care of the individual senses and feelings has been taken which provide to each guest a warm and restful environment .Only 3km from the Hotel with the same name as the road and a huge rice at it's back. Green rice fields with amazing views and local scenery, and conveniently within the easy access to Cua Dai beach and the Ancient Town.

Glory Hotel on the area of 3,500 sqm, has 94 rooms built in 4 area with garden, swimming pool and Green field views. The villas reflect a perfect blend of Eastern culture and French architecture, while all rooms are immaculately designed in the combination of Vietnamese artwork and traditional fabric.

Please contact us for rates.

Hoi An, known as Faifoo, a busy trading port in the 16th , 17th and 18th centuries, its surely one of the most charming sites of Viet Nam.
Located in the central coast, 30 km South of Da Nang City, Hoi An-Melting pot of ancient Chinese, Japanese, European and Vietnamese architectures, cultures. Inscribed, today in the World Heritage List by UNESCO.

Glory Hotel in Hoi An is built with special style of the town's ancient houses giving impression of a village care of the individual senses and feelings has been taken to provide to eash guest a warm and restful environment when they stay in glory hoian hotel 

Full day
From 66 USD

Experience Hoi An Ancient Town's quaint streets, ancient shrines, cozy ambiance and hospitable people. A guided day tour will give you a clearer picture of the ancient town.

Full day
From 70 USD

The ancient landscape of Cu Lao Cham Island offers many sand beaches, forested hills, and the sea. Facilities for camping, swimming and scuba diving are readily available. The corals and marine life are an attraction in these island waters. The islands are also recognized as national scenic site of Vietnam.

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