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★★★★★ - Deluxe
Just outside the PARKROYAL Yangon Hotel is the La Pyay Wun, one of Yangon’s few shopping centers.
★★★★★ - Deluxe
Indulge yourself in 5-star luxury a 20 minutes' drive from Yangon International airport at Novotel Yangon Max.
★★★ - Standard
Well-placed in the culture, business, sightseeing area of Yangon city, Myanmar Life Hotel provides a most conducive spot for you to take a break from your busy days
★★★★ - Superior
Well-positioned in Bahan, Merchant Art Boutique Hotel is the ideal point of departure for your excursions in Yangon.
★★★★★ - Deluxe
The enigmatic and little known Myanmar, formerly Burma, has awaken the interest of tourists from all over the world keen to discover the ancient beauty of one of the few destinations untouched by mass tourism that remain in the world today.
★★★★★ - Deluxe
Meet Lotte in global cities, boasting of unparalleled reputation and caring services. Even at this very moment, we strive for elegance and sophistication in all our facilities and services.
★★★★ - Superior
The Jasmine Palace Hotel lights up the city from the perfect location in central Yangon, offering a magnificent view of the thriving city center or the stunning Shwedagon pagoda.
★★★★ - Superior
Situated in the city of Yangon, Inya Lake Hotel is surrounded by 37 acres of verdant gardens.
★★★ - Standard
Featuring a fitness centre and business facilities, the 3-star hotel has air-conditioned rooms with a private bathroom. The hotel has a terrace and city views, and guests can enjoy a meal at the restaurant or a drink at the bar.
★★★ - Standard
Hotel Yangon beautifully sits on 2 Acres of landscaped garden which is located in superbly 8th mile junction area and just 4.5 km away from Yangon International Airport, 3 minutes walk to Junction 8 Shopping Center, cross the road to Myaing Hay Wun F
★★★★ - Superior
Well-positioned in Inya Lake, Hotel Parami is the ideal point of departure for your excursions in Yangon.
★★★ - Standard
Located in the heart of Yangon, Hotel Grand United Chinatown is an ideal location to embrace the local life in Myanmar.
★★★ - Standard
Located in downtown Yangon, Hotel Grand United 21st Downtown is a part of an exciting area of the city
★★★★ - Superior
Hotel Grand United (Ahlone Branch) features elegant guestrooms and suites, equipped with modern amenities and facilities.
★★★★ - Superior
Hotel G Yangon is a vibrant lifestyle hotel and design inspired centrally located in Yangon entertainment neighbourhood, ideal for business or leisure.
★★★ - Standard
Located in the lovely area of Downtown Yangon, Hotel Esta enjoys a commanding position in the sightseeing, shopping, culture hub of Yangon.