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★★★ - Standard
In additon to memorable golf in a unique and pristine setting, the Aye Thar Yar Golf Resort offers traditional Shan cuisine, charming accommodation and opportunities for a fun and rejuvenating getaway, with easy access to Taunggyi, administration cap
★★ - Standard
All 10 rooms of the Amara Mountain Resort are individually decorated in Asian and European style, each room with an open chimney, own bathroom with bathup and shower.
★★★ - Standard
The excellent The Grand Nyaung Shwe Hotel is a decent example of a 3-star hotel in Nyaung Shwe.
★★★★ - Standard
Villa Inle, One of the best Boutique hotels in Inle Lake, Nyaung Shwe, Myanmar
★★★ - Standard
Viewpoint Lodge sits on the edge of the canal leading to the magnificent Inle Lake in the colorful Southern Shan State village of Nyaung Shwe.
★★★ - Standard
Perched on the edge of Inle Lake waters, at Serenity Inle Resort you will find the perfect place to relax and escape the stress of your daily routine while making the most of your visit to the lake.
★★★ - Standard
Where simplicity is the essence of elegance and opening the doors on a more contemplative experience of travel.
★★★ - Standard
Bounded by a magnificent natural landscape, with the breathtaking view mountain range in the backdrop overlooking the mesmerizing view of Inle Lake, our resort located in the heart of Inle Lake offers a sanctuary for you wanting to escape and rejuven
★★★ - Standard
Situated above the peaceful Inle Lake, Shwe Inn Tha Floating Resort offers rustic-style air-conditioned rooms with a private balcony and a view of Inle Lake.
★★★★★ - Deluxe
A destination as removed from the wider world as Inle Lake demands a resort where detachment is a priority.
★★★★ - Superior
Royal Nadi Resort is located beside the lake of Nadi Mingalar Lake, Nyaung Shwe and Bawrithatt Village, just 7 minute’s drive from Nyaung Shwe and 45 minute’s drive from Heho Airport.
★★★ - Standard
Royal inlay hotel is located in Nyaung Shwe, by the marvelous Inle Lake.
★★★★★ - Deluxe
Pristine Lotus Resort is situated at Inle Lake, in the magestical country of Myanmar.
★★★ - Standard
This magnificent property is built on stilts and stands majestically on the heart of Inle Lake.
★★★ - Standard
Located in the gateway to Inle Lake at the small town of Nyaung Shwe.
★★★★ - Superior
At Novotel, everything is designed to meet the needs of everyone, everywhere, anytime.