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Thailand - Phuket
Thailand - Phuket
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We're sure you'll find the perfect activity.
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Phuket – where the James Bond movie “The Man with the Golden Gun” was filmed back in 1974 – is often the first place that comes to mind when  travelers to Thailand talk about sea, sun and sand. With its spectacular white-sand beaches, luxury resort hotels, plentiful seafood and dramatic limestone karsts, Phuket is a natural choice for anyone seeking a relaxing holiday.

Area & People:
576 km² & 600.000 inhabitants
Local Transport:
Car, Motorcycle, Taxi, Tuk Tuk, Song Taews (Local Buses)
Top Seller:
On Request
Ko Samui, Ko Phi Phi, Krabi, Phang Nga
Best time to go:
From November to April
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FEATURED Thailand Phuket TOURS

About Phuket

The island of Phuket is the largest island in Thailand, and a major tourism hub of the country owing particularly to its beautiful resort and beach paradise featuring some of the best beaches in the region. So renowned are the beaches that some Hollywood films have used it as a shooting location, while the island has been voted one of the top 5 retirement destinations in the world. Travel to paradisiacal Phuket with our tours and activities in 2015 and make a splash in your travel plans. 

Take a full day trip to the Phi Phi Islands and travel by speedboat to Phi Phi Ley. Swim in the emerald green waters of Maya Bay where parts of the famous movie of Leonardo DiCaprio, "The Beach", were filmed. Snorkel in Lho Sa Mah Bay and discover where bird nest soup comes from at the Viking Cave before enjoying the other islands at Ton Sai Bay and Khai Nai Island, where you will enjoy a great beachside lunch. 

If you wish to see the beautiful countryside of Thailand coupled with an island adventure, take the Phang Nga and James Bond Island tour where you can visit rubber plantations and mangrove swamps before cruising along the island where the 1974 James Bond "The Man with the Golden Gun" was filmed. Board a long-tailed boat and follow in the footsteps that James Bond himself walked amidst the wildlife. 

After checking out Phuket's nearby islands, you may want to explore the cultural heritage of the city on a Phuket Island Tour where you will see 19th century Sino-Portuguese historic buildings and the revered temple of Wat Chalong. You’ll also get to visit an Aquarium showcasing the beautiful wildlife of the region. Your tour will end with a stop at the Promthep Cape where you will see a panoramic view of the offshore islands and the perfect half moon bay of the Nay Ham Beach. 

End any tour with an evening seafood dinner with fresh fish caught from the Gulf of Siam and the Andaman Sea, at one of the best open-air restaurants in the city.
