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Thailand - Chiang-Mai
Thailand - Chiang-Mai
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Chiang Mai

Chiang Mai

Thailand’s “Rose of the North” contains both cultural and natural diversity, a multitude of attractions, and welcoming hospitality. Located about 700 kilometres from Bangkok, it is one of Thailand’s better known and most visited provinces. Chiang Mai literally means “new city” and has retained the name despite celebrating its 700th anniversary in 1996. Originally the capital of the Lanna Thai kingdom created by King Mengrai in 1296 around the same time as the establishment of the Sukhothai Kingdom. Chiang Mai not only became the capital and cultural core of the Lanna Kingdom, but also the center of Buddhism in northern Thailand and one of the kingdom’s most beautiful provinces with mountain ranges and hills amidst lush greenery and jungle. The province is also famed as being a home to numerous tribal peoples. Some of the main attractions in the area include Wat Phra That Doi Suthep and Doi Intanon – Thailand’s biggest mountain.  

Area & People:
40,22 km² & 398.169 inhabitants
Local Transport:
Bicycle, Car, Motorcylce, Taxi, Tuk Tuk
Top Seller:
On Request
Chiang Rai, Mae Hong Son, Sukhothai
Best time to go:
From November to February
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FEATURED Thailand Chiang-Mai TOURS

About Chiang Mai

Get to know the culture of northern Thailand when you travel to Chiang Mai. Best known for its glorious temples and city walls, Chiang Mai will enchant you when you book our Chiang Mai tours and activities! 

Begin with a Half Day Chiang Mai Temples tour that will take you to see where the ash remains of Chiang Mai's Royal Family are kept at Wat Suan Dok. You will also discover the collection of buildings and the old library at Wat Phra Singh, the fine architecture of Wat Chedi Luang, the Temple of Seven Spires Wat Jedyod and the sacred Buddha images at Wat Chiang Mun. Continue to Wat Prathart Doi Sutheo to see the holy relic of the Lord Buddha and go up the mountain of Dong Pui to observe the traditional costumes and way of life of the White Hmong hilltribe village. 

For a bit of a challenge and adventure, we recommend the Chiang Mai Cycling Tour that takes you on a memorable and informative tour of the city’s most interesting sights like the temples and the ancient city. You might also want to navigate the city on our Chiang Mai Classic Stage Ride by bike. This will take you past the Ping River's banks and markets. 

Experience the great outdoors, with a Full Day Mae Taman Rafting and Elephant Riding tour that will take you bamboo rafting along the river. You might also like to take things a little slow and book our Maeping River Experience that will allow you to observe life on the riverbank and explore the vibrant flower market of Chiang Mai.
