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Thailand - Bangkok
Thailand - Bangkok
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We're sure you'll find the perfect activity.
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As the political, economic, cultural, culinary, and spiritual capital of Thailand, Bangkok features both old-world charm and modern convenience. The capital of Thailand – modern Bangkok is a large, bustling city of some 6 million people. It is the administrative centre and the heart of the country where skyscrapers and modern buildings jostle for space against the Bangkok skyline and also a city of entertainment and fun. But despite its modern trappings, Bangkok is firmly embedded in tradition. All aspects of Thai culture are revered here, as they are in any rural or less urban part of the country. Rituals are carried out on a daily basis. Monks accept their daily alms and people of all ages pray and make merit at one of countless temples. In Bangkok you can at one moment walk through antiquity and be in the 21st century. Drop in to the stunning Grand Palace, see the reclining Buddha at Wat Pho and wind your way through floating markets.

Area & People:
1,569 km² & 8.28 million inhabitants
Local Transport:
Motorcylce, BTS & MRT, Taxi, Tuk Tuk
Top Seller:
On Request
Pattaya, Kanchanaburi
Best time to go:
From November to April
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FEATURED Thailand Bangkok TOURS
 On Request
Discover Bangkok with this city stay covering the Grand Palace, Temple of Dawn, and the waterways of Bangkok's Klongs
 On Request
This 9-day journey begins in the buzzing capital of Bangkok, before a short flight to the northern capital Chiang Mai
 On Request
The combination of culture, friendly people, exciting activities, yummy food and stunning scenery make Thailand an ideal family destination.
 On Request
Our family adventure mixes a whole lot of bona fide Thai experiences

About Bangkok

Nestled along the Chao Phraya River Delta is Thailand’s capital and largest city, Bangkok. Once a tiny 15th century trading post in the vast kingdom of Ayutthaya, the site of Bangkok rose to prominence, playing host to two capital cities, then becoming the heart of the modernization of Thailand in the 19th century, then known as Siam. Today Bangkok is a vibrant cultural city, representing a center of fashion, finance, arts and entertainment in the area. Travel to this delightfully Thai city with our 2015 tours and activities. 

Hop onto a Bangkok Scooter Tour and travel around the city, having a unique perspective that tour buses and other large vehicles couldn’t give you! Ride behind your experienced driver and guide and listen to his commentary about passing sights. Ride down Sukhumvit Road, one of the longest boulevards in the world, which winds through several cities along a route near the coast. See attractions like the Jim Thompson House, a museum complex composed of houses that American silk magnate Jim Thompson collected in the 1950s and 1960s; today it carries silk treasures, a Jim Thompson retail store, and part of the businessman’s Southeast Asian art collection. Also visit Little India and Chinatown, beacons of different cultures across Bangkok. 

Enter a Tuk Tuk Experience and ride a tuk tuk, or auto rickshaw, through the city on a guided tour. Venture into Buddhist history at Wat Pho, or the Temple of the Reclining Buddha, built in the 17th century and the oldest Buddhist temple in the country. Weave around the streets of Phahurat Market, where vendors sell clothes, trinkets, fabrics and more alongside snacks. 

Go on a Damnoen Saduak Floating Markets Tour to see the iconic markets as you drift down the canals on a long-tail boat. Shop here and then go to the Rose Garden to see a recreated Thai village from olden times, where a cultural show of traditional Thai performances awaits.
