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Myanmar - Ngapali-and-Ngwe-Beaches
Myanmar - Ngapali-and-Ngwe-Beaches
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Ngapali and Ngwe Beaches

Ngapali and Ngwe Beaches

Ngapali is the most popular beach in Myanmar; this is the most beautiful tropical beach on the Bay of Bengal, with white sand beaches and beautiful resorts around. But what makes Ngapali become a favorite site is the seafood here is really delicious, and most of the top chefs for seafood of Myanmar cuisine are present here, that make the food here become the most delicious and exotic. Besides, you can also move to the beach for a vacation Ngwe beach with more limited budgets, where the relatively unspoiled beaches will be very suitable for tourists who prefer the quiet, in a frame romantic scene.

Area & People:
Ngapali: 3 km, Ngwe Saung: 15 km
Local Transport:
Motorcycle, Bicycle, Horseback, Boat
Top Seller:
On Request
Andaw Paya, Sandaw Paya, Sinma, Chaung Thar
Best time to go:
From November to March
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FEATURED Myanmar Ngapali-and-Ngwe-Beaches TOURS
 On Request
Facing the Bay of Bengal on the western coast of Myanmar, Ngwe Saung Beach is one of the most pristine in Southeast Asia
 On Request
Quiet & peaceful, Ngapali offers guests a relaxing getaway to palm fringed beaches of golden sand and the clear waters
 From 3,683 AUD
Venturing through Yangon, Bagan and Mandalay, this tour lifts the lid on the efforts going into preserving Myanmar's cultural heritage and architectural significance.
 From 921 AUD
Facing the Bay of Bengal on the western coast of Myanmar, Ngwe Saung Beach is one of the most pristine in Southeast Asia. Located a 5-6 hours’ drive from Yangon

About Ngapali and Ngwe Beaches

Located 7 kilometers away from Thandwe, Ngapali Beach has its name not meaningful in Burmese but come from the Italian “Napoli”, which means the city of Naples. Ngapali is prime choice for beach lovers who dream about tranquility, white sand, the quiet rural surroundings, Rakhine ways of life, and local fishing style. Tourists can enjoy themselves with amazing sunset views, boat trips to Pearl islands, and visit a black sand island called Zalat Htone Island, relax under palm trees, and find unspoiled white sandy beaches and crystal clear water. With the bicycle rental service, you will visit Rakhine ways of life in fishing villages or Kinmaw village with activities of making clay pottery.

In Ngapali, there are also many local restaurants. Pleasant View Islet BBQ restaurant, unique and the only one in Ngapali Beach, is the best choice for its location on the small islet. Drinks are always offered at hotels and restaurants, specially the natural fresh coconut juice. Many resorts have been built, convenient for your stay.

Situated to the west of Myanmar in the Bay of Bengal, about 30 miles from Pathein, the capital city of Ayeyarwaddy Division where the traditional umbrella and clay pot painting workshops are located, Ngwe Saung is a popular beach among tourists visiting Myanmar. Among all the beautiful beaches in Myanmar, Ngwesaung is the newest beach with a meaningful name: Ngwe 'means' Silver, which explains perfectly the silvery sand on the beach here.

One of the main tourist attractions at Ngwe Saung is the Rakhine Mountain Range. Most visitors trek up the range and into the forests to experience the natural beauty of the spot. Looking down Rakhine Mountain Ranges from high position, you will want to draw all scenes into eyesight with a covering fog layer, like a girl with strong personality suddenly become pretty with a gentle silk dress.

There is no hope to find a single bar or pounding discos here as Ngwe Saung is for those who like the quiet and peace of the surrounding nature. Hire a bicycle or rent a car to go around the area, book yourself into a spa at the hotels or simply relax on the beach.
