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Cambodia - Sihanoukville
Cambodia - Sihanoukville
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With several white sandy beaches, clear blue waters, and a national park nearby, Sihanoukville is slowly emerging as one of Southeast Asia’s premier beach destinations. Whether its water sports or relaxing spas that you crave, this sleepy southern Cambodian town has just what you’re looking for. Situated in the center of a small peninsula on the Gulf of Thailand, Sihanoukville town is surrounded by several palm tree-lined beaches and filled with things to do. For the ultimate in relaxation, enjoy a massage at one of the town’s luxury spas and bask in the sun at the private Sokha beach. Or, spend the day doing watersports before hitting the lively bar-lined Ochetuel beach at night. Nearby are several uninhabited islands which are easily accessable from Sihanoukville.

Area & People:
868 km² & 235.190 inhabitants
Local Transport:
Bicycle, Local Transport, Motorcycle, Remork
Top Seller:
On Request
Koh Rong, Koh Rong Samloem, Koh Tang, Koh Ta Kiev
Best time to go:
From November to February
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FEATURED Cambodia Sihanoukville TOURS
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Whether its water sports or relaxing spas that you crave, this sleepy southern Cambodian town has just what you’re looking for
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About Sihanoukville

Sure, Sihanoukville would never win first prize in a pretty-town competition but thanks to a surrounding coastline of white-sand beaches this is Cambodia's most happening sun-sloth destination. Named in honour of the then head-of-state, Sihanoukville (Kong Preah Sihanouk; also known as Kompong Som) was hacked out of the jungle in the late 1950s to create Cambodia’s first and only deep-water port, strategically vital because it meant that the country’s international trade no longer had to pass through Vietnam’s Mekong Delta.

Today it is a bustling and ever expanding city, but its sandy bits are one step removed from the hubbub. The Serendipity Beach area is a sort of decompression chamber for backpackers, who flock here to rest up between travels and party through the night.

Even further away from the hustle, in the far south of town, is relaxed Otres Beach, where cheap bungalow joints and bohemian-flavoured guesthouses are now neighbours with rather swish boutique resorts. The mellow scene here ticks all the boxes if you're looking for lazy days of sunbathing rather than night-time bar-hopping.

Although none of Sihanoukville's beaches qualify as Southeast Asia's finest, the sandy strips rimmed by casuarina trees and coconut palms have plenty of tropical charm and it's easy to find stretches of sand to yourself, especially if you venture outside the centre. If they're not picture-postcard-perfect enough for you, Sihanoukville is also the jumping-off point to Cambodia's southern islands, where castaway-cool beckons.
