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Cambodia - Phnom-Penh
Cambodia - Phnom-Penh
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Phnom Penh

Phnom Penh

Phnom Penh, the largest city in Cambodia, has been its capital since French colonial days. Once known as “the pearl of Asia,” Phnom Penh is considered one of the prettiest of the cities the French built in Indochina though the city is still recovering from war and revolution. French influence can still be found today. Located on the Mekong River, the city actually dates back to the 15th century. Top attractions include the Royal Palace and the National Museum, which contains a large collection of Khmer artifacts. The night market or Phsar Reatrey is a good place to pick up handcrafted items and souvenirs.

Area & People:
375 km² & 2.09 million inhabitants
Local Transport:
Bicycle, Car, Motorcycle, Taxi
Top Seller:
On Request
Kampong Cham, Prey Veng, Kampong Spoe, Kampong Chhnang
Best time to go:
From November to March
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FEATURED Cambodia Phnom-Penh TOURS
 On Request
This is a Cambodia and Vietnam experience with a truly different perspective – from the waters of the mighty Mekong River. Sail for eight days aboard a classic riverboat from Siem Reap to Ho Chi Minh City.
 On Request
Whether its water sports or relaxing spas that you crave, this sleepy southern Cambodian town has just what you’re looking for
 On Request
Beginning in Phnom Penh, this fun-filled family adventure will continue through the amazing sights and sounds of Cambodia’s most captivating destinations. Children of all ages will find something to love, whether it be kid’s play areas, visiting resc
 On Request
While the ancient temples at Angkor near Siem Reap are in arguably Cambodia's biggest draw, there's a host of other activities to facilitate a stimulating family adventure.

About Phnom Penh

Phnom Penh is Cambodia’s cultural and historical hub, with countless monumental artifacts sprawled across the city. Put the Cambodian capital on your 2015 travel itinerary and discover a beautiful city once known as the “Pearl of Asia.”

Discover Phnom Penh on a private city tour and walk around the narrow streets past houses from the French colonial era. Stop by at the Silver Pagoda and National Museum before visiting the Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum where you will learn about Phnom Penh’s past during the Khmer Rouge era.

After exploring the heart of the city, cycle through Phnom Penh’s countryside and visit Koh Dach Island. Here you will see monks in saffron robes and village women weaving silks down the orchard lane. Continue to Oudong trail and drive through small villages stilted over ponds or rice fields before climbing up a temple’s 500 steps for a panoramic view of the city.

While in Phnom Penh, go on a boat ride along the Mekong River to Mekong Island and witness the locals’ cultural traditions deeply rooted in their religion. On your ride back to the city, witness a dramatic sunset from the still waters at the junction of Tonle Sap, Tonle Bassac and the Mekong Rivers.