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Sanouva Danang
Sanouva Danang
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Sanouva Danang

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Sanouva Danang

Following the success of Sanouva Saigon, Sanouva Danang is the club hotel by Sanouva’s hospitality,  designed from the inspiration and foundation of an antique library. Housed in a stately 1900’s heritage building, the designed establishment brings the area’s rich heritage to life with the Sanouva Club Hotel stylish blend of contemporary minimalism and antique, orient highlights…The hotel is comprised of 77 hotel guest rooms: 60 Deluxe rooms, 7 Signature Suite, 3 Sanouva Executive, plus 1 penthouse with city view. Sanouva Danang Hotel is only 5 minutes away from Da Nang International Airport, and 7 minutes  to the beach. An excellent venue to rest, travel and business visit, the club hotel by Sanouva’s hospitality also offers a relaxing space in  S’Spa center.Besides, our fitness centre, business centre, restaurant and 2 meetings rooms together build our hotel to be the best in Da Nang City centre.Sanouva package enable travelers to enjoy amazing sight seeing and local culinary tours passionately crafted by Sanouva local experts.
Warmly welcome you to our Sanouva Boutique Da Nang Hotel.

Please contact us for rates.

Sanouva Danang Hotel is only 5 minutes away from Da Nang International Airport, and 7 minutes  to the beach. An excellent venue to rest, travel and business visit, the club hotel by Sanouva’s hospitality also offers a relaxing space in  S’Spa center.

Our friendly and knowledgeable team is the hotel’s dearest possession. We build up our hotel daily by following our guests’ comments. Our slogan is “Once booked, forever served”.

Full day
From 48 GBP

Welcome to Da Nang City - the 4th biggest city in Vietnam. During this amazing full day tour you will see all the most popular sights and experience the best parts of the city with a local guide.

Full day
From 126 GBP

Grab a fascinating peek into some of the most important traditions in Hoi An: lantern making, vegetable cultivation, and ceramic and wood crafts. Cycle to the home of a local craftsman to learn about, and participate in, the ancient art of lantern-making. Peddle on past lush rice paddies to the farming village of Tra Que, Hoi An, to learn about farm cultivation, and get a glimpse of rural life. Then, hop on a boat for a relaxing tour along the lovely Thu Bon River, combined with visiting traditional craft villages.

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