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Richis Beach Resort & Spa
Richis Beach Resort & Spa
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Richis Beach Resort & Spa

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Richis Beach Resort & Spa

With luxurious design with mainstream white colors, each room is a unique harmony between classical and modern.  After moving around distant time or after the picnic, your tiredness will be erased by the modern amenities of a full bathroom with the necessary personal items. very suitable for you to relax, read a book, enjoy a cool glass of fruit juice or a cup of aromatic coffee.

Please contact us for rate

90 Tran Hung Dao Street, Duong Dong Town, Phu Quoc District, Kien Giang Province, Viet Nam

  • Superior Room Size: 46m2. Double King Size bed and blankets, sheets, pillows feather 100% cotton.
  • Deluxe Size: 62m2. Double King Size bed and blankets, sheets, pillows feather 100% cotton.
  • Deluxe Bungalow Size: 64m2. Double King Size bed and blankets, sheets, pillows feather 100% cotton.
  • Suite Size: 88 m2. Double and a living room. Double King Size bed and blankets, sheets, pillows feather 100% cotton imported.    

Full day
From 43 USD

There is only one way to see the island, is on a cruise tour! It will give the highlight of the Phu Quoc Island.

Full day
From 145 USD

This full day private tour is perfect for those who seek for a comprehensive tour of Phu Quoc island. Tourist will have chance to visit most of the famous places on the island including: Sim wine factory, Pearl Farm, Coconut Prison, Fish Sauce Factory, Sao Beach, Ham Ninh Fishing Village, Waterfall Tranh Stream, Pepper Farm, Phu Quoc National Park, Nguyen Trung Truc Temple, Cape Ganh Dau and Vung Bau Beach.

A half day
From 163 USD

Phu Quoc is known for its seafood and as such the island is great for fishing as well. Some tourists actually come to Phu Quoc for a fishing holiday

A half day
From 93 USD

Phu Quoc is an island off the coast of Cambodia in the gulf of Thailand that became part of Vietnam while the French administrated the region and has remained so ever since. It is very close to Cambodia - you can see the mainland from the northwest of the island - but can be reached by fast boat in around 2.5-3.5 hours from the towns of Ha Tien and Rach Gia in the Mekong Delta.

Other Hotels

★★★★ - Superior
With luxurious design with mainstream white colors, each room is a unique harmony between classical and modern.
★★★★★ - Deluxe
La Veranda Resort Phu Quoc, member of the MGallery collection, boasts a style reminiscent of a French seaside mansion.
★★★ - Standard
Thien Hai Son resort is located in the area of 3 hectares which designed as parallel with coastline.