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Phu Thinh Boutique Resort
Phu Thinh Boutique Resort
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Phu Thinh Boutique Resort

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Phu Thinh Boutique Resort

The Phu Thinh I hotel was established on 10th January 1995 and has been operating for almost 20 years.  The Phu Thinh group is continually developing and improving its service quality standards and infrastructure in order to meet the expectations and satisfaction of our guests. 

In addition, we have established our luxurious Jasmine Spa which provides customers with pure relaxation and a variety of treatments.
An unforgettable experience would be to join the cooking class at our hotel, where guests can learn to prepare several traditional Hoi An specialities such as Cao Lau, My Quang, Tam Huu, and Hoi An spring rolls.
All our staff and management team are self-motivated, responsible, creative and active.  Our united goal is to ensure complete customer satisfaction.

Contact us for rates.

Located in the heart of Hoi An Old Town, the hotel is close to many of the famous tourist highlights, such as the Japanese Bridge, Phuoc Kien Assembly Hall, and Quang Trieu Assembly Hall.  The hotel was designed and built in the traditional Hoi An architectural style.  It has 9 spacious bedrooms, all well-equipped to 4-star plus standard.  During a stay at our hotel you can explore and experience the real hospitality and lifestyle of Hoi An local people.

The local cuisine of Hoi An is the highlight of any visit to this town.  Consequently, our renovations included an upgrade of our Lily Restaurant, and the creation of the Bamboo Bar, both of which incorporate traditional architectural features.  They are located alongside the extensive and beautiful natural lotus pond.

Full day
From 92 AUD

Experience Hoi An Ancient Town's quaint streets, ancient shrines, cozy ambiance and hospitable people. A guided day tour will give you a clearer picture of the ancient town.

Full day
From 98 AUD

The ancient landscape of Cu Lao Cham Island offers many sand beaches, forested hills, and the sea. Facilities for camping, swimming and scuba diving are readily available. The corals and marine life are an attraction in these island waters. The islands are also recognized as national scenic site of Vietnam.

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