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Paradise Cruise
Paradise Cruise
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Paradise Cruise

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Paradise Cruise

Paradise Luxury I, II, III & IV were built according to the traditional Vietnam cruise design and present a lavish outfit blending in subtle harmony with the natural environment of Halong Bay - Vietnam. The 04 Paradise Luxury cruises offer 68 luxurious cabins and suites as well as an exciting array of Halong activities to be enjoyed while experiencing the spectacular scenery of the "Bay of Descending Dragons" on one of the best Vietnam cruises.
Each vessel features a stylish restaurant and bar for an exclusive dining experience on the third deck with impressive 5-star service of Halong luxury cruises. The top deck serves as a perfect place to enjoy lingering in the sunshine and discovering the splendid beauty of Halong bay – the most stunning bay in Vietnam with a 360 view, thus promising unforgettable and thoroughly relaxing moments during your Halong cruise tours.

Please contact us for rates.

Paradise Privilege, the small and most intimate Vietnam cruise in Halong Bay, is an invitation to explore this world wonder bay while enjoying all the essentials for a Halong luxury cruise trip.

Paradise Privilege, the small and most intimate Vietnam cruise in Halong Bay, is an invitation to explore this world wonder bay while enjoying all the essentials for a Halong luxury cruise trip.

Designed to accommodate up to only 8 people per cruise in one Superior Twin, one Superior Double and one Master Suite Double, Paradise Privilege – one of the best Halong Bay cruises creates an intimate, cozy environment and brings about the best possible personalized services for your Halong Bay tour.

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★★★★★ - Deluxe
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Halong Phoenix Cruiser is more than concerned about protecting its natural beauty as well as the culture of its inhabitants. We intend to minimize the negative impact of tourism while maximizing its positive impact.
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Experience the most luxury and biggest cruise in Halong Bay, Golden Cruise is being acknowledged as the floating 5 Stars hotel on the sea.
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Located in the tourism town of Bai Chay, BMC Thang Long Hotel offers contemporary accommodation that brings you close to the World Heritage Site of Halong Bay. Discover the isles and caves and the majestic nature at its purest while staying in the co
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With 102 luxuriously, modernly and warmly desighed rooms, our hotel is the perfect choice for your stay, whether you are a frequent traveller seeking international standards, are on business or leisure. Our modern leisure and entertainment facilities