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Little Town Villa
Little Town Villa
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Little Town Villa

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Little Town Villa

Villa Lilltle Town can be considered as a miniature of Hoi An with the ancient architecture featuring 2 colors, yellow and brown of wood, combining with the beauty of lanterns to create a subtle shimmering place. You can find yourself truly immerse in the heart of Hoi An. There are 13 rooms in the villa. All are spacious,  have good views and balconies overlooking  swimming pool or garden. Especially, there is a family-designed area which is well-furnished, suitable for those looking for having  a comfortable family holiday. Every single room in the villa is equipped with TV, refrigerator, air conditioner, modern bathroom,….All create an ideal living space for the tourists visiting Hoi An.

Contact us for rates.

 Villa Little Town is located in the heart of Hoi An ancient town having a reputation for its world cultural heritages by USNESSCO. This place is also well known for the tranquil and peaceful beauty filled with the nostalgia patterns of the streets, the shops, the old moss- roof house and the yellow walls alongside the romantic river.

Having a good location, Villa Litlle Town is near Hoi An market, Nguyen Hoang night market, An Bang and Cua Dai beach which are only 300 meters, 700 meters and 5 kilometers away accordingly. Moreover, it’s only a five minute walk to Japanese Bridge.

Coming to villa Little Town, you can not only enjoy the best service but also the warm hospitality of the owner as well as the well trained staffs. You find yourself as comfortable as being at home.

 Visit Little Villa Town to have a wonderful and memorable holiday in Hoi An.       

Full day
From 56 GBP

The ancient landscape of Cu Lao Cham Island offers many sand beaches, forested hills, and the sea. Facilities for camping, swimming and scuba diving are readily available. The corals and marine life are an attraction in these island waters. The islands are also recognized as national scenic site of Vietnam.

Full day
From 53 GBP

Experience Hoi An Ancient Town's quaint streets, ancient shrines, cozy ambiance and hospitable people. A guided day tour will give you a clearer picture of the ancient town.

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