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La Residence
La Residence
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La Residence

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La Residence

Step back in time! Indulge serenity. La Residence is an enchanting boutique hotel on the banks of the fabled Perfume River overlooking the former Imperial Citadel – once home to Emperors and now preserved as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Endowed with opulence, excellence and warmth, this former residence of the French Colonial Governor was painstakingly restored in 2005 and redeveloped as an exceptional design hotel. The hotel’s distinctive bowed façade, long horizontal lines and nautical flourishes are hallmarks of the 1920’s Streamline Moderne school of Art Deco architecture.

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It’s a rare hotel that can transport guests back to a bygone era but La Residence Hotel & Spa pulls it off in spectacular style. Built in 1930 as part of the former colonial governor’s residence overlooking Hue’s Perfume River, this architectural gem was restored and re-opened in 2005 as a luxury hotel. The Art Deco design aesthetic runs throughout the hotel from the central reception rotunda, flanked by two wings, to Le Gouverneur Bar, Le Parfum restaurant, formal gardens, swimming pool, and 122 guest rooms and suites.
Conde Nast Traveler Readers' Choice Awards 2011  2014  2015  2016 – Top 20 best hotels in Southern Asia.

Each guest and public room is a faithful interpretation of style during the heydey of Art Deco. Paris-based interior designer Brigitte Dumont de Chassart scoured design archives for inspirational touches throughout the hotel, from its high ceilings, terrazzo floors, hand rails, balconies, light fittings and furnishings.

Full day
From 126 EUR

The Vietnamese Demilitarized Zone was established as a dividing line between North and South Vietnam as a result of the First Indochina War. The boundary between these two zones was established at the Ben Hai River, which enters the East Sea at 17 degrees 0 minutes 54 seconds N latitude. The boundary followed the Ben Hai to its headwaters, about 55 km WSW, and thence to the Laotian border.

Full day
From 75 EUR

World famous as the most royal city in Vietnam, Hue is definitely a sight to behold with it's ancient palaces, a complex of monuments, tombs and ornate pagodas.

Full day
From 124 EUR

This tour package was designed for tourists who are looking for a more eco-tourist experience by traveling to the places less seen by other people. This fantastic experience brings you closer than ever to the people and customs in this area. You will get to cruise through the Tam Giang Lagoon and learn about the daily lives of the fishermen and people of this area.

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