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Intercontinental Hanoi Westlake
Intercontinental Hanoi Westlake
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Intercontinental Hanoi Westlake

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Intercontinental Hanoi Westlake

Close to Hanoi’s Old Quarter, with scenic views of West Lake, our charming retreat opened to the public in 2007.
Adorned with 318 stylish guestrooms and suites alongside five distinctive restaurants and bars, an open-air pool, an extensive fitness centre, a dedicated meeting centre and an exclusive Club InterContinental® Lounge, InterContinental® Hanoi Westlake is designed to offer a complete sense of comfort and harmony. Our attentive staff are at your side to enhance your stay for a truly memorable experience.

Contact us for rates.

The InterContinental® Hanoi Westlake is located on the peaceful waters of the largest lake in the city and is adjacent to the famous 800-year-old Golden Lotus (Kim Lien) Pagoda. Ideally situated just minutes from the Old Quarter, the hotel offers a welcome haven from the bustling city centre.

With the combined comforts of the ever-tranquil West Lake, spacious accommodation, luxurious facilities and attentive Vietnamese hospitality, guests will soon discover that the InterContinental® Hanoi Westlake is the perfect place to stay, whether travelling for the purposes of business or leisure. Blending Vietnamese grace with understated service and In-the-Know knowledge, Intercontinental® Hanoi Westlake turns a visit to the City of Peace into an unforgettable experience.

Full day
From 58 GBP

Explore the heart of Hanoi in this extensive city tour! Delve into the heart and history of Hanoi. Visit Hanoi's thousand year old university, Hanoi Hilton which used to be the infamous Hoa Lo Prison, the Sword Lake.

Full day
From 79 GBP

Surround yourself in the rich history and breathtaking scenery of Vietnam. Step back through time at the ancient citadel of Hoa Lu, Vietnam's first capital. Cycle amongst the lime karsts and surrounding scenery. Then explore the spectacular scenery of Trang An complex, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Full day
From 114 GBP

Experience the rapturous beauty of this world heritage-listed site on this Halong Bay tour. After a drive through the rural villages of northern Vietnam we arrive at the bay and board a private junk. Set sail through turquoise waters dotted with over 3,000 magnificent limestone islands. Explore the many karsts and enjoy a seafood buffet while taking in the bay's mystical scenery.

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