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Hung Long Harbour Hotel - Cat Ba
Hung Long Harbour Hotel - Cat Ba
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Hung Long Harbour Hotel - Cat Ba

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Hung Long Harbour Hotel

In Cat Ba, you can take a rest in Hung Long hotel, a perfect destination situated in the most wonderful place in Cat Ba bay, with total front area overlooking the sea. Resting in a room of the hotel, you can have the spectacular view of sea, raising your shoulders up, touching fresh winds from the sea, behind the hotel; there is an imposing limestone mountain as a closed friend of Hung Long. Hung Long Habour Hotel has officially come into operation since 2010, being the unique place where you can enjoin the golden quality as in a 5-stars hotel from accommodations to restaurant, bar-café and fantastic scenery with the most suitable price of the 3-stars standard.

Hung Long Hotel has 88 rooms, in which there are 59 standard rooms with 51 rooms that have balconies overlooking the sea and 8 rooms close to the mountain, superior rooms with 3 faces overlooking the sea, 12 deluxe rooms, and 12 suite rooms with open balconies embracing a sea corner.

It is so convenient for you to walk in several minutes to Cat Co seaside resort No. 1, Cat Co seaside resort No. 3 and high-speed boat station, the island center, bus station with the distance of tens metes.

  • Double Standard Room: including 39 rooms, with the area of 25m2, the front side overlooks the sea. They have the modern and elegant architectural structure style, which will make tourists feel so comfortable. Each room has 02 beds with the dimension of: 1,2m x 2m.
  • Superior Room: including 5 rooms, with the area of 28m2, the front side is the sea scenery. They have the unique space structure, modern and synchronous equipments, thus customers will feel so pleased.
  • Deluxe Room: including 12 Deluxe rooms, with the area of 35m2, the modern architecture, and their fronts overlook the sea, all equipments in each room are invested with high-rank quality, and a rather broad, which will be suitable to honey-moon holidays and business man.

Full day
From 44 USD

This trip offer you all in one with  the good sense of combination of physical activities and relaxing time while experiencing off beaten route cruising and kayaking in Lan Ha bay and Cat Ba National Park. You’ll visit the farming village and enjoy sweeping views over Halong Bay; ride a bike through Viet Hai village; and take a boat past the floating villages in Lan Ha Bay, where you can kayak and swim at pristine beaches. Your guide helps you interact with the locals and keeps an eye out for various animals you might see in the forest.

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