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Hue Serene Palace Hotel
Hue Serene Palace Hotel
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Hue Serene Palace Hotel

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Hue Serene Palace Hotel

A brand new hotel that features luxurious rooms and suites. We offer convenience to our guests by providing modern elevators, restaurants, and other great amenities.

The Hue Serene Palace Hotels are the ideal choice for all tourists. Indeed, in close proximity to the excellent attractions, We also offer air conditioned rooms, inside room computer and internet, desk, minibar. A convenient place of stay, it is a good choice.

Contact us for rates.

Offering fantastic value of money, our hotel is located right in the heart of ancient Hue city , in a lovely and small ,quiet lane, only a few minutes' walk from the Huong River, and lavishly decorated with modern furniture.

We are young, professional staff who have a lot of experience in hospitality field, and we are friendly, easy going people, always listen and try to answer all of your questions, try to give you best things from our knowledge and understanding. An exceptional that has drawn much praise and repeat business.Please ,Feel free to contact us anytime in case you have any questions or concerns.

Full day
From 124 EUR

This tour package was designed for tourists who are looking for a more eco-tourist experience by traveling to the places less seen by other people. This fantastic experience brings you closer than ever to the people and customs in this area. You will get to cruise through the Tam Giang Lagoon and learn about the daily lives of the fishermen and people of this area.

Full day
From 126 EUR

The Vietnamese Demilitarized Zone was established as a dividing line between North and South Vietnam as a result of the First Indochina War. The boundary between these two zones was established at the Ben Hai River, which enters the East Sea at 17 degrees 0 minutes 54 seconds N latitude. The boundary followed the Ben Hai to its headwaters, about 55 km WSW, and thence to the Laotian border.

Full day
From 75 EUR

World famous as the most royal city in Vietnam, Hue is definitely a sight to behold with it's ancient palaces, a complex of monuments, tombs and ornate pagodas.

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