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Since opening in April 2014, Eldora Hotel has become a luxury icon in the heart of Hue City, delivering distinctive service featuring French artistry and graciousness.
Eldora is the best 4 star boutique hotel which embodies the very essence of colonial elegance and blends it with modern conveniences, affording guests a truly singular experience. The well-appointed luxury bedroom feature distinctive the Renaissance elements and include furnishings made of luxurious materials, immersing guests in the mystique of the 'premier of luxury'.

Contact us for rates.

The Eldora Hotel, our boutique hotel in Hue centre  just a short walk away from some of Hue's most impressive sights, including the Trang Tien Bridge, the Dong Ba market and the Citadel.
 The distance from Eldora hotel to:

Boat station: 0.7 km

Dong Ba market: 1.2 km

Citadel: 2 kmTrain station : 2 km

 Thuan An beach : 13 kmBeach Bar: 15 km

Hue  airport : 14 km Ben Hai river : 104 km

Da Nang city : 110 kmHoi An city : 145 km

Phong Nha cave : 222 km

The hotel with well-appointed room decorated in bright colors, features wooden floors, neoclassical style furnishings and lavish amenities. Every details have been carefully designed to ensure “personal touch“. Our rooms are the perfect base for your adventures in the beautiful city of Hue.

Eldora is within close proximity to Citadel, an UNESCO listed World Heritage site, just step away from famous Trang Tien Bridge designed by Gustave Eiffel and other nearby attractions, Eldora Hotel is an ideal getaway for leisure and business travelers alike.

Full day
From 99 GBP

This tour package was designed for tourists who are looking for a more eco-tourist experience by traveling to the places less seen by other people. This fantastic experience brings you closer than ever to the people and customs in this area. You will get to cruise through the Tam Giang Lagoon and learn about the daily lives of the fishermen and people of this area.

Full day
From 101 GBP

The Vietnamese Demilitarized Zone was established as a dividing line between North and South Vietnam as a result of the First Indochina War. The boundary between these two zones was established at the Ben Hai River, which enters the East Sea at 17 degrees 0 minutes 54 seconds N latitude. The boundary followed the Ben Hai to its headwaters, about 55 km WSW, and thence to the Laotian border.

Full day
From 60 GBP

World famous as the most royal city in Vietnam, Hue is definitely a sight to behold with it's ancient palaces, a complex of monuments, tombs and ornate pagodas.

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