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Anantara Mui Ne Resort
Anantara Mui Ne Resort
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Anantara Mui Ne Resort

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Anantara Mui Ne Resort

Set on Mui Ne’s pristinely sweeping beach, Anantara Mui Ne Resort is an oasis of elegance and comfort offering a unique and unforgettable way to experience the southern coast of Vietnam. Mornings spent by the sea. Afternoon hikes through nearby sand dunes. A soothing spa treatment before starlit evening drinks on the beach.Expertly blending Vietnamese tradition and legendary Anantara service, Anantara Mui Ne Resort offers a tropical retreat, worlds away from Vietnam’s urban bustle. Take in the splendour of the sunset from the pool deck. Sample fine international dining and mouth-watering cuisine at our restaurants that are amongst the best Mui Ne hotels have to offer. Wander down garden paths to your own private villa. A cherished holiday within a setting to remember forever in our exceptional getaway in Vietnam.

Located on pristine Mui Ne beach, Anantara Mui Ne Resort is one of the premier resorts in Mui Ne situated near the city of Phan Thiet roughly four hours from Ho Chi Minh City. 16km long, Mui Ne is one of the most unspoiled beaches in all of South East Asia. Relax away from the urban buzz of Vietnam’s cosmopolitan hubs, basking in seaside serenity and luxurious moments defined by the legendary Anantara.  The name “Mui Ne” has many origins, which explains why it is not uncommon see the town referred to as Muine. Cape means “Mui” in Vietnamese and one origin of the name relates to the youngest daughter of one of the Cham Kings, who was the owner of this stretch of land many centuries ago. Her alias was ‘Ne,’ so when she built a temple in the cape it became known as “Mui Ne.” Many of the existing towers in the area were built by the Cham people in the 8th Century. The Muine origin seems to come from the fishing community who used the cape during strong storms for shelter (known as “Ne” in Vietnamese).

Set in the serenely designed main building, the rooms at Anantara Mui Ne Resort embody a contemporary grace infused with touches of Vietnamese charm. Harboured within the impeccably landscaped grounds, our Mui Ne accommodation seamlessly embrace the colours and details of the natural surroundings creating havens of natural light and soaring views. A full range of modern comforts and amenities in our luxurious rooms ensure this resort in Mui Ne provides the solace of home and the luxury of Anantara.

Full day
From 134 EUR

Located an hour drive from the famous beach of Mui Ne, the Ta Ku Mountain is one of the area’s must-see destinations. With a height of 694 meters, and very acceptable temperatures, the mountain houses very interesting attractions that cater for all ages and walks of life. From pristine jungle to relics related to Buddhism, all with the mountain in the backdrop.

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