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Alba Spa Hotel
Alba Spa Hotel
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Alba Spa Hotel

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Alba Spa Hotel

Alba mineral water is the resounding ingredient at Alba Spa Hotel. The water is sourced from the geothermal hot springs which Dr. Albert Sallet discovered in 1928, at the site of Alba Hot Springs Resort 30km outside Hue. Rich in minerals, the water is believed to help improve your wellbeing and maintain health and vigor.

The experts at Alba Spa have created a range of spa treatments and therapies based on the benefits of Alba mineral water, skillfully combining imported skincare products and traditional local herbs. Alba Spa is also home to the most remarkable hot and cold jacuzzi in Vietnam, which promises to enhance the absorption of vital nutrients of your body.

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Located in the heart of the historic city of Hue, Alba Spa Hotel is a tranquil sanctuary for the mind, body and soul. The 10-storey building nestles in a quiet alley, just a stone's throw away from Hue's main attractions including Trang Tien Bridge, Huong River and the famous Hue Imperial City.

Alba Spa Hotel prides itself on the unique spa hotel concept, placing water and its health benefits at the core of its philosophy. With its state-of-the-art facilities and a team of caring and dedicated staff, Alba Spa Hotel strives to provide travellers and locals with beneficial and long-lasting experience. 

Full day
From 124 USD

This tour package was designed for tourists who are looking for a more eco-tourist experience by traveling to the places less seen by other people. This fantastic experience brings you closer than ever to the people and customs in this area. You will get to cruise through the Tam Giang Lagoon and learn about the daily lives of the fishermen and people of this area.

Full day
From 75 USD

World famous as the most royal city in Vietnam, Hue is definitely a sight to behold with it's ancient palaces, a complex of monuments, tombs and ornate pagodas.

Full day
From 126 USD

The Vietnamese Demilitarized Zone was established as a dividing line between North and South Vietnam as a result of the First Indochina War. The boundary between these two zones was established at the Ben Hai River, which enters the East Sea at 17 degrees 0 minutes 54 seconds N latitude. The boundary followed the Ben Hai to its headwaters, about 55 km WSW, and thence to the Laotian border.

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