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Vietnam - Ninh-Binh
Vietnam - Ninh-Binh
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Ninh Binh

Ninh Binh

Located on the Southern end of the Red River Delta, Ninh Binh is blessed with diverse topography of both mountainous and coastal areas. Ninh Binh represents typical rural villages of Northern region with vast green paddy field, expanding mountains and poetic river that flows to the horizon. Not only that, Ninh Binh's history is also worth mentioning: as the ancient capital of Vietnam in the 10th century, Ninh Binh is a venue of relics that reflect its 1000 years of history and development. 

Area & People:
1.377,57 km2 & 926.995 inhabitants
Local Transport:
Motorcycles, cyclos, taxi
Top Seller:
Starting from 99 USD
Ha Noi, Ha Long, Sapa, Mai Chau
Best time to go:
From August to October & from February to April
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FEATURED Vietnam Ninh-Binh TOURS
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About Ninh Binh

Ninh Binh - Microcosm of Vietnam

It can be said that Ninh Binh is a Microcosm of Vietnam, as the province contains all the scenic quintessence of whole Vietnam within its relatively small size. 

The topography of Ninh Binh is favored by the Mother Nature with karst topography fostered through million years that make the province a Ha Long Bay in land with countless primitive caves, valleys, and submerged mountains which all offer stunning sceneries. Furthermore, one may see a microcosm of Vietnam within Ninh Binh thanks to its wide variety of forests, mountains, river and sea; nature conservation area and national park.

The most famous attraction of Ninh Binh is Trang An eco-tourism center which has just been expanded in recent years and soon become famous for a system of caves, valleys and historical relics. With a chain of natural wonders like Tam Coc, Thai Vi Temple, Bich Dong Pagoda, Fairy cave or Sunny Valley; Tam Coc – Bich Dong tourist center is regarded as “Nam thiên đệ nhị động” (The second best cave of the South).

For environment and animal lovers, Cuc Phuong National Park with the total area up to 22,000 ha, is a must-see site. Cuc Phuong is the first national park of Vietnam preserving a variety of rare animals and plants.

Another destination tourists may be interested in is submerged Van Long nature reserve, which is the largest conservation area of this kind in the North of Vietnam, with Kenh Ga hot spring and Van Trinh cave and Kem Trong cave.


Ninh Binh – Destination for cultural explorers

This southernmost province of the red river delta is also famous for a great number of cultural wonders. Ninh Binh was soon developed as the cultural and political center of Vietnam since the reign of Dinh Tien Hoang King in 968. Thanks to this, the number of ancient vestiges here may overwhelm any other provinces in Vietnam.

The first capital of Vietnam feudal centralism regime and the Dai Co Viet's political, economic and cultural centre Hoa Lu Ancient Capital is undoubtedly the most attractive site where tourists may find thousands of vestiges of palaces, temples, pagodas and tombs related to the three dynasties of Dinh, Le and Ly.
