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Vietnam - Nha-Trang
Vietnam - Nha-Trang
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Nha Trang

Nha Trang

The place is known for its kilometers beach city. Neither a charmer like Mui Ne nor a historic jewel like Hoi An, Nha Trang has it owns hidden beauty that keeps visitors coming back for more. No one can deny that Nha Trang is one of the most beautiful beaches in Vietnam, which attracts lots of visitors for its blue sea water, outdoor water activities along with its fresh sea food. The water in the environment is very clean and ideal for snorkelling and diving. Nha Trang is a beautiful bay city in Vietnam’s south central coast with green islands, sandy beaches, protected marine park, extravagant resorts and buzzing nightlife. Beautiful place for beach lovers.

Area & People:
251 km² & 393.218 inhabitants
Local Transport:
Motorcycles, bicycles, xe ôm, taxi
Top Seller:
Starting from 96 USD
Da Lat, Mui Ne
Best time to go:
From February to April
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FEATURED Vietnam Nha-Trang TOURS
 On Request
Travel to Vietnam and journey from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh City on one of the most fascinating train journeys on earth - aboard the Reunification Express.
 On Request
Travel to Vietnam and trace its mystical eastern coastline, traversing the country from south to north and discovering the many attractions that lie along the way.
 On Request
Discover Vietnam on this journey from North to South. Explore Vietnam's modern day capital, Hanoi.
 On Request
A great tour to add-on as an extension or standalone program to those visiting the south of Vietnam.

About Nha Trang

From pagodas to markets to museums to nature, there’s plenty tosee and do in Nha Trang City. Combining the convenience and practicality of an urban locale with the beauty and serenity of a coastal fishing village, Nha Trang has a stream of attractions for all age groups and types of travellers - from conventional tourists to explorers looking to take the unbeaten path through town.

Families will have plenty to see in Nha Trang - there are a few museums like the Yersin Museum and the Oceanographic Museum; wide areas of clean beach; a large supply of family-friendly restaurants; and entertainment establishments like theatres and malls to occupy entire families for days at a time, Vinpearl amusement park,... Nature lovers will find a wealth of flora to be marveled at in Nha Trang and the surrounding vicinity: waterfalls, islands, salt fields and hidden beaches are abound. Fans of window shopping will also have a blast scouring Nha Trang’s many shops.
