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Vietnam - Hue
Vietnam - Hue
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Famously being one of Vietnam’s seven UNESCO World Heritage Sites, the Imperial City of Hue has long been a must-see attraction for tourists visiting a hidden charm of Vietnam. The city is famous for the magnificent tombs of the Nguyen emperors and the ruins of the Citadel. The Imperial City of Hue, a masterpiece of architecture was actually a walled fortress and palace belonged to the ancient city of Hue which was a capital city of the Nguyen Dynasty for 140 years date back from 1805 until 1945. This peaceful town on the Perfume River offers beside palace and mausoleums a beautiful landscape for strolling around and hiking.

Area & People:
5033,2 km² & 1135,5 thousand inhabitants
Local Transport:
Motorcycles, bicycles, xe ôm, taxi, cyclo
Top Seller:
Starting from 75 USD
Da Nang, Hoi An, Quang Binh
Best time to go:
From October to March
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 On Request
This tour showcases Vietnam’s highlights from North to South. Begin with Hanoi’s illustrious history before cruising Halong Bay on a traditional wooden Junk and then head to Central Vietnam and Saigon in the South.
From 1,108 USDFrom 941 USD
Travel the length of Vietnam in this 12 day tour and discover the real Vietnam from the North to the South of Vietnam.
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Vietnam 11-day tour with nice beach extension
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Unlock the mysteries of Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos with a journey that opens the door to lost civilizations that left behind centuries-old temples, charming riverside towns, great cuisine and bustling cities.

About Hue

If you are a history buff, or simply love discovering exotic cultures, Hue- Vietnam’s former Royal Capital is definitely on the top list of your travel plan. The city represents the outstanding demonstration of the power of the vanished Vietnamese feudal empire, including a complex of monuments, tombs and pagodas that attract tourists coming from all over the world.

Hue Citadel:

Occupying a large, bounded area on the north side of Perfume River; four citadels were comprised to create the Capital City: Hoang Thanh (Imperial City) for royal palaces and shrines, Tu Cam Thanh (Forbidden Purple City) for royal residences, Dai Noi (Inner city) and Tran Binh Dai, which exclusively ancient architecture. Tourists are expected to spend at least one day to visit the whole complex. They can also catch a taxi, hire a bicycle, rent a “xich lo”- Vietnamese cycle if do not feel like walking around the site.
Emperors Tombs:There are several tombs of ancient emperors scattering along the Perfume River: such as Minh Mang, Khai Dinh, Tu Duc, Dong Khanh, etc. On Cam Khe Hill, Minh Mang Tomb was built in 1843, with the area of 18 hectare, 3-meter-high defended wall, and nearly 20 architectural constructions. Lying in the middle of a pine forest, Tu Duc Tomb belongs to Duong Xuan Moutain, 8km far from Hue.


Featured in various songs and poems, Thien Mu Pagoda has become an essential part of Hue City. With the symbol of the octagonal 21-meter-high tower, the pagoda is the perfect combination of artificial architectural work and picturesque nature. Tourists can also visit other pagodas such as Tu Dam, Tu Hieu, Huyen Khong.

Other activities:

Besides visiting ancient monuments and tombs, coming to Hue, you can also have a chance to bath and lying under the sun on the most wildly beautiful beaches in Vietnam. Thuan An and Lang Co beach are among the most wonderful ones, twinkling in sunshine with limpidly blue ocean and white silky sand. Moreover, there are some mineral hot springs available like Thanh Tan in Phong An, Phong Dien; where tourists can totally be relaxed after a long walking day.

At the height of 1450 meter; Bach Ma Mountain, 60km southern the city, represents the four-season type of weather of the temperate zone.
