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Vietnam - Ho-chi-Minh
Vietnam - Ho-chi-Minh
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Ho Chi Minh

Ho Chi Minh

Ho Chi Minh City has grown to be Vietnam's largest metropolitan and the commercial capital. It’s a city of extraordinary energy with busy streets with countless street vendors, cyclos, food stalls, shops and markets. Hotel de Ville, General Post Office and Saigon Notre-Dame Basilica, these landmark buildings are perhaps the most ornate of all colonial structures in the city.

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FEATURED Vietnam Ho-chi-Minh TOURS
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From 1,108 USDFrom 941 USD
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This is a Cambodia and Vietnam experience with a truly different perspective – from the waters of the mighty Mekong River. Sail for eight days aboard a classic riverboat from Siem Reap to Ho Chi Minh City.
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Vietnam 11-day tour with nice beach extension

About Ho Chi Minh

Known to most as Saigon, Ho Chi Minh City is a city of contrasts. The pace of life is frenetic, and yet the wide boulevards and parks help the city an air of calm. Classic French architecture competes for attention with brand new high-rise buildings. The port hosts vast tankers and cruise-liners while tiny sampans dart around them on the Saigon River.

The electric mix of old and new in Saigon is the legacy of the many occupiers of the city since the Khmers used for hunting five hundred years ago. When the Frenche took control in the late 19th century, they razed the city and rebuilt it in the image of a European capital. The resulting wide boulevards, elegant French architecture, and leafy ambience remain today, but with a very Asian feel. Sidewalks designed for evening strolls are now lined with food stalls and cafes that spill into the street. The villas left by the French have been converted into the city's best restaurants, and the wide tree-lined streets are abuzz with motorbikes.

Ho Chi Minh City is actually three cities in one, and the official city limits encompass a vast area stretching nearly from the East Sea to the Cambodian border. However, all the major attractions are in the centre of the city and can be reached easily on foot. A foray ti Chinatown requires wheeled transportation, and there is none better than the city's ubiquitous mode of transportation, the cycle. All the sights and sounds of the city can be experienced first-hand and at a leisurely pace, making traveling by cyclo a unique pleasure.
