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Vietnam - Ha-Noi
Vietnam - Ha-Noi
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Ha Noi

Ha Noi

Hanoi is the second largest city of Vietnam and is referred as the cradle of culture. The capital of Vietnam is a city of lakes, shaded boulevards and public parks. The Old Quarter is a maze of narrow streets evolved from an archaic craftsmen village where workshops were organized by trades or guilds. Hanoi still retains the charms of the past mixed up with the buzzing urban lifestyle. However, you will be surprised not only because of it’s art and history but also deeply impressed by the everyday life, which often takes place on the street.

Area & People:
3328,9 km² & 7.56 milion inhabitants
Local Transport:
Motorcycles, cyclos, xe ôm, taxi
Top Seller:
Starting from 72 USD
Ha Long, Ninh Binh, Sapa, Mai Chau
Best time to go:
From August to October & from February to April
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 On Request
This tour showcases Vietnam’s highlights from North to South. Begin with Hanoi’s illustrious history before cruising Halong Bay on a traditional wooden Junk and then head to Central Vietnam and Saigon in the South.
From 1,108 USDFrom 941 USD
Travel the length of Vietnam in this 12 day tour and discover the real Vietnam from the North to the South of Vietnam.
 On Request
Vietnam 11-day tour with nice beach extension
 On Request
Unlock the mysteries of Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos with a journey that opens the door to lost civilizations that left behind centuries-old temples, charming riverside towns, great cuisine and bustling cities.

About Ha Noi

Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam, is an energetic city that is absolutely brimming with atmosphere. Joining a number of beautiful cities that have the moniker of “Paris of the East”, the city’s French colonial buildings, beautiful pagodas, and colorful avenues and boulevards lined with trees and flora all represent a commitment to preservation of the city’s natural beauty and historical heritage, in the face of rapid modernization. Enjoy one of the great tourist destinations of Asia with our tours and activities! 

Explore the heritage of Hanoi by going on a pilgrimage around the Perfume Pagoda. Visit a huge complex of temples and shrines built into limestone formations in the Huong Tich mountains. Here the longest-lasting festival in Vietnam, the Huong Pagoda Festival, brings pilgrims from all over the region, as well as young people looking for romance. 

Continue to the Van Phuc Silk Village and learn how the locals cultivate silkworms to produce refined silk products. Meet families who have been using these traditional methods as part of their livelihood, and watch a presentation about the silk making process, beginning with mulberry trees and moving on to thread processing from boiled cocoons. You can go shopping at the village for silk products afterwards. 

Discover the different flavors of Hanoi street food at the Old Quarter, where you will sample more than 10 different entrees in local cuisine. Alternatively, take a cooking class at one of the city’s famous restaurants and prepare an authentic North Vietnamese meal, where professional cooks will help you prepare a delicious meal of Vietnamese food, which you will then enjoy after your session. 

Cruise by the islands over the course of two days on Halong Bay, a UNESCO World Heritage site, where legend has it that the islands were created by benevolent dragons. Through this tour, you will be able to get a glimpse of famous grottos and acquaint yourself with the local culture at a nearby fishing village. You’ll also see various floating houses, including a school and information center, as well as the homes of 65 families.
