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Vietnam - Da-Nang
Vietnam - Da-Nang
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Da Nang

Da Nang

Da Nang has a stunning coastline of over 90 kilometres long, famous for many beautiful seashores stretching from the foot of the Hai Van Pass to the Marble Mountains that are calm seas with green water during four seasons. With 900 meters in length and being listed in the US Forbes Magazine as one of the 6 most beautiful beaches in the world, My Khe beach is the most popular and idyllic beach in Danang with both locals and visitors with smooth sand and a slight slope. Besides that, thanks to the impressive architecture and special significance, the Dragon Bridge has gradually become a symbol and an icon of the prosperous future of the city. Each weekend, after sunset, residents and visitors are treated to a pyrotechnic show in which with a roar, the dragon's head spits fearsome plumes of fire, followed by hissing clouds of water vapor.

Area & People:
1285,4 km² & 1029 thousand inhabitants
Local Transport:
Motorcycles, bicycles, xe ôm, taxi
Top Seller:
Starting from 60 USD
Hue, Hoi An, Quang Binh
Best time to go:
From February to May
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 On Request
Vietnam 11-day tour with nice beach extension
 On Request
Unlock the mysteries of Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos with a journey that opens the door to lost civilizations that left behind centuries-old temples, charming riverside towns, great cuisine and bustling cities.
 On Request
Discover two fascinating countries. Hike through the verdant rice terraces of Hoang Su phi and taste the street food in Hanoi.
 On Request
Travel to Vietnam and journey from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh City on one of the most fascinating train journeys on earth - aboard the Reunification Express.

About Da Nang

Da Nang is home to the most important port of Vietnam. As the country’s largest city, Da Nang is an economic powerhouse that offers tourists everything from historical landmarks and shopping to the crystal-clear waters and pristine beaches, like Hoi An, Lang Co, and so much more! Travel to Da Nang and get to know the city on our Da Nang tours and activities

Begin with the Da Nang City Highlights tour that will keep you on shore as you discover various sculptures and artifacts depicting the country's different periods at the Cham Museum. We will also take you through the Han Market where you can pick up a few Vietnamese goods before we make our way to the Marble Mountain Village. 

If you like roughing it up, we recommend taking the Da Nang Food Tour and Market Visit by Motorbike that will take you to the Con Market. The tour also takes you through a great gastronomical experience as we introduce you to the best of Vietnamese cuisine. 

Brush up on your Asian history when you book a Hue City Heritage Tour that will take you to the Imperial City and Forbidden Purple City, taking you back to the time of the Nguyen Emperors. This tour will also take you down the Perfume River that will lead you to the Thien Mu Pagoda and the Khai Dinh Royal Tomb. What are you waiting for? Book your Da Nang tour today!
