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Thailand - Hua-Hin
Thailand - Hua-Hin
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Hua Hin

Hua Hin

The seaside town of Hua Hin, meaning “Stone Head”, was named after the rocks at the north end of the powdery sand beach. Hua Hin became Thailand's first beach resort after a train line was laid in the 1920’s to provide access from Bangkok and King Rama VII established his summer retreat in the area. With a 5 kilometer-long beach that features numerous activities, the laid back and hospitable town of Hua Hin continues to draw both tourists and Thais. In addition to beach fun and games, outstanding seafood restaurants, and a vibrant night market, Hua Hin is well known for having some of the finest golf courses in Thailand, as well as some of the most renowned resorts and destination spas in the world.

Area & People:
838,9 km² & 85.099 inhabitants
Local Transport:
Songtaews (Local Buses), Tuk Tuk, Motorcycle, Bicycle
Top Seller:
On Request
Pranburi, Cha Am, Petchaburi, Khao Takiab
Best time to go:
From November to February
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 On Request
The combination of culture, friendly people, exciting activities, yummy food and stunning scenery make Thailand an ideal family destination.

About Hua Hin

The quaint coastal town of Hua Hin, Thailand, is a lively resort town that was once a small fishing village until the 1980s, when the hotel chain Sofitel began revitalizing the local resort, which resulted in an influx of tourism that continues today. Still, due to its designation as a royal resort, a result of its association with no less than two Thai monarchs, it should maintain its small-town vibe and a laidback feel so uncharacteristic of a place described with the phrase “resort town.” In 2015, travel to the beach paradise of Hua Hin now and enjoy your stay to the fullest with our tours and activities. 

Go on a Full Day Sam Roi Yod National Park and explore one of the largest freshwater marshes in the country. Sam Roi Yod means “three hundred peaks” and with its jagged limestone landscape, this moniker is well-deserved. On this tour you’ll get to visit the park of three hundred peaks, where you’ll see a pineapple plantation and a fishing village. Start with an offshore trip to help fishermen with the haul of the day. Then, walk just under half a kilometer to Phraya Naknon Cave, where the beautiful cavernous interiors and a Pavilion made by King Rama V await. Enjoy lunch then return to swim in the Gulf of Thailand. 

Hop on a Full Day Phetchaburi Summer Palace tour to one of the oldest provinces in the country. See the temple of Wat Kamphaeng Laeng, a 12th-century temple that dates back to the Angkor Kingdom. It is a Hindu artifact from a time before the country’s current Buddhist slant. At Phra Nakhon Khiri, you’ll board a cable car to see King Rama IV’s amazing summer Palace. Visit the Palace museum and admire the royal heritage on display. Have lunch, then go on to Khao Luang Cave, where nearly 200 images of the Buddha are housed. You’ll be given time to explore the area and the surrounding town before you are returned to your hotel.
