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Laos - Kuang-Si-Waterfall
Laos - Kuang-Si-Waterfall
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Kuang Si Waterfall

Kuang Si Waterfall

Kuang Si is regularly touted as one of the most beautiful waterfalls in the world, and has three tiers leading to a 50 kilometer drop into crystal pools of water. The water from the fall flows downstream, and can easily be reached by kayaking for those adventurous enough, and is close enough to Luang Prabang to make it a day trip. Plenty head here for swimming thanks to pristine water conditions, so come prepared with swimwear to jump in.

Area & People:
60 m height
Local Transport:
Bicycle, Motorbike, Tuk Tuk, Minivan
Top Seller:
On Request
Central falls rescue of bear, Butterfly Park, Pak Ou Caves
Best time to go:
From November to March
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FEATURED Laos Kuang-Si-Waterfall TOURS
 On Request
From its welcoming people to fabulous architecture and delicious cuisine, the place is inviting and warming to all who visit
 On Request
Responsible tourism with cultural insights and some scenic exploration
 On Request
Travel to a land of mystery and stay in a town so charming it was designated a World Heritage Site by UNESCO
 On Request
In Luang Prabang, families can marvel at the beautiful blend of French and Lao architecture and stop to join in a game of petanque with the friendly locals.

About Kuang Si Waterfall

Thirty kilometres southwest of Luang Prabang, Tat Kuang Si is a many-tiered waterfall tumbling over limestone formations into a series of cool, swimmable turquoise pools; the term 'Edenic' doesn't do it justice. Between swinging off ropes into the water, there's a public park with shelters and picnic tables at which you can take lunch. Don't miss Kuang Si Rescue Centre , where Asiatic Wild Moon bears, confiscated from poachers who sell them for their precious bile, are given a new lease of life.

Visiting Kuang Si by hired motorcycle is very pleasant now that the road is decently paved and allows stops in villages along the way. By bicycle, be prepared for two long, steady hills to climb.

An appealing alternative is to charter a boat down the Mekong to Ban Ou (one hour downstream), from which the remaining 5km to the falls should be easy to hitch: Rte 2501 to the falls turns 90 degrees away from the river directly behind Ban Ou's wat. Some boatmen, however, have been known to drop passengers at different villages from which there's no choice but to charter a 'friend's' tuk-tuk.
