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Situated in the prime location of Non Nuoc beach, one of the six most beautiful beaches in the world (as voted by Forbes magazine), and overlooking the vast ocean, Olalani is a luxurious, tropical Hawaiian style community including one of the most well-established infrastructures in the region. Its idyllic location also accords you the convenience of being able to visit several famous, UNESCO World Heritage sites such as Hue Citadel, My Son Sanctuary and Hoi An ancient town.

The magical mixture of sea, sand and sun has turned Olalani as a charming girl wearing the most contemporary modern Hawaiian Style Architecture, making it unique among the others with Asian style. This lush hotel consists of 285 luxurious rooms with facilities that warrant its standard, all the rooms in this exclusive resort overlook the ocean and the main pool. All customer care services at Olalani: from airport shuttle services to relaxation, health and beauty services to entertainment and cuisine, are specially developed to provide you with the highest standards of luxury, class and unmatched privacy, in a comfortable and warm environment. Moreover, to meet your every need and to bring to you a holiday experiences that is truly perfect, services at Olalani are available 24/7.

Our dedicated staffs are also well equipped with the necessary skills and expertise in professional customer care to guide you through any of your queries and help you with the engagement of the numerous services available at the resort. You will have a feeling that you are a distinguished guest in Eastern Hawaii Paradise.

Wait no further, come and experience the difference at Olalani Resort & Condotel- Experience an once in a lifetime Holiday!

Please contact us for rates.

Situated in the prime location of Non Nuoc beach, one of the six most beautiful beaches in the world (as voted by Forbes magazine), and overlooking the vast ocean, Olalani is a luxurious, tropical Hawaiian style community including one of the most well-established infrastructures in the region. Its idyllic location also accords you the convenience of being able to visit several famous, UNESCO World Heritage sites such as Hue Citadel, My Son Sanctuary and Hoi An ancient town.

The magical mixture of sea, sand and sun has turned Olalani as a charming girl wearing the most contemporary modern Hawaiian Style Architecture, making it unique among the others with Asian style. 

Full day
From 60 USD

Welcome to Da Nang City - the 4th biggest city in Vietnam. During this amazing full day tour you will see all the most popular sights and experience the best parts of the city with a local guide.

Full day
From 157 USD

Grab a fascinating peek into some of the most important traditions in Hoi An: lantern making, vegetable cultivation, and ceramic and wood crafts. Cycle to the home of a local craftsman to learn about, and participate in, the ancient art of lantern-making. Peddle on past lush rice paddies to the farming village of Tra Que, Hoi An, to learn about farm cultivation, and get a glimpse of rural life. Then, hop on a boat for a relaxing tour along the lovely Thu Bon River, combined with visiting traditional craft villages.

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