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Myanmar - ViewAll
Myanmar - ViewAll
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Sailing is through the rolling hills of the Third Defile.
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Your legendary tour of Myanmar commences in Bagan. An area full of history, wonder and spellbinding architecture steeped in a colorful history.
 On Request
Myanmar (Burma) is a country with a deep and fascinating culture.
 On Request
Take an adventure of a lifetime and explore the natural wonders of Myanmar.
 On Request
Travel to Myanmar and discover a country of mythical landscapes, ancient treasures and some of the friendliest folk you’ll ever meet.
 On Request
Discover Myanmar on this comprehensive journey exploring rural villages, old hill stations, ancient temples, mystical Mt. Popa and serene Inle Lake.
 From 1,531 USD
Extending all the way from the Himalayas in the north to the Andaman Sea in the far south and bordering Bangladesh, India, China, Laos and Thailand, Myanmar is epic in both size and scale. Unsurprisingly, these many influences have coalesced to forge
 From 1,703 USD
The Myanmar kitchen offers fantastic varieties of dishes which vary from region to region. Fresh ingredients are used to prepare not too spicy dishes. Spices are used to give flavor to soups, salads and curries. You will be delighted by the variety o
 From 2,631 USD
Venturing through Yangon, Bagan and Mandalay, this tour lifts the lid on the efforts going into preserving Myanmar's cultural heritage and architectural significance.
 From 1,982 USD
Discover the enchantment of Myanmar with a classic tour of all the sights. Wander the streets of Yangon with its faded colonial architecture and admire the hundreds of Buddhist stupas at Bagan. Watch the one-legged rowers on Inle Lake, and walk acros
From 2,342 USDFrom 2,300 USD
Our Burma (Myanmar) classic highlights tours are crafted to showcase the very best of the country. Make the most of your journey through this magical corner of Southeast Asia with unforgettable experiences in Burma’s top destinations and must-see spo
From 1,606 USDFrom 1,404 USD
The tranquil scene puts you in the right frame of mind on this journey that introduces you to the capital Yangon and its bustling markets, the temples of Bagan, fabled Mandalay and the wonders of Burma's ancient capital, Amarapura.