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Golden Sand Resort & Spa
Golden Sand Resort & Spa
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Golden Sand Resort & Spa

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Golden Sand Resort & Spa

For years, the ancient town of Hoi An has become increasingly popular amongst travelers around the globe. With its walls of history and romantic ambiance, it didn’t take long before Hoi An was filled with hotels and resorts to provide travelers with a place to stay. Hoi An became the destination.


Until now. Golden Sand Resort & Spa has 212 rooms that boast stunning views of the ocean and our incredibly lush gardens. We serve only the finest cuisine, which you can enjoy as you take in the breathtaking view of the ocean. Our facilities are top-of-the-line, our spa is nothing short of impeccable, and our staff goes above and beyond to ensure you are treated like royalty. Golden Sand Resort & Spa Hoi An has become a destination in itself – Hoi An is just a stop on the way. Allow us to take you on an unforgettable journey.

Overlooking the East Vietnam Sea, this upscale, beachfront resort is 5 km from Hoi An Cathedral and 7 km from exhibits at the Sa Huynh Culture Museum.

Featuring tile floors, the elegant rooms come with balconies and views of the garden or the sea. They also have flat-screen TVs, minibars and coffeemakers. Upgrades add wood floors and rainfall showers, while suites add extras such as sofas, marble bath tubs and/or private pools. Room service is available.

Breakfast is free. There are 2 restaurants, 2 bars and a lounge. Other amenities include a gym and 3 outdoor pools with sea views. There's also a spa and a kids' club.

Full day
From 66 USD

Experience Hoi An Ancient Town's quaint streets, ancient shrines, cozy ambiance and hospitable people. A guided day tour will give you a clearer picture of the ancient town.

Full day
From 70 USD

The ancient landscape of Cu Lao Cham Island offers many sand beaches, forested hills, and the sea. Facilities for camping, swimming and scuba diving are readily available. The corals and marine life are an attraction in these island waters. The islands are also recognized as national scenic site of Vietnam.

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