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Golden Lotus hotel
Golden Lotus hotel
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Golden Lotus hotel

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Golden Lotus hotel

On behalf of Golden Lotus hotel , we would like to express our deep gratitude to our valued customers and partners who believe in, co-operate and use our services. Your encouragement has made a great contribution to the development and success of our hotel.
Golden Lotus Hotel is located to the central of Baichay tourist area,just one minute walk down to the beach and enjoy the beautiful sight of Halong Bay - immensely proud to be one of the seven natural wonders in the world.Come to us, you have the opportunity to visit Park Royal parks, night markets, Halong cruise terminal 1km away, and the water puppet theater, music and nation dance performances from 100m .
The unique features of neoclassical architecture, the subtlety of the outline, have all contributed to a luxurious architectural space meeting not only international class but also oriental character. Golden Lotus Hotel has 3 star international standard, including 60 luxury bedrooms, restaurant systems, conference room, coffee bar....with a professional, young, friendly and hospitable staff, we believe that you will feel comfortable and happy as you are at your home.
The mission of Golden Lotus hotel is introduce to domestic and foreign customers the traditional features as well as the cultural essence of Vietnamese people, especially their truth sincere and hospitality.With a reliable and resilient cooperating spirit and comprehensive benefits brought to our partners, we believe that this would be a potential opportunity for Golden Lotus to cooperate with our customers and our partners to develop the hotel more and more strongly and affirm its position in the domestic and international market.

Please contact us for rates.

Golden Lotus Hotel is located to the central of Baichay tourist area,just one minute walk down to the beach and enjoy the beautiful sight of Halong Bay - immensely proud to be one of the seven natural wonders in the world.Come to us, you have the opportunity to visit Park Royal parks, night markets, Halong cruise terminal 1km away, and the water puppet theater, music and nation dance performances from 100m .

Golden Lotus hotel is introduce to domestic and foreign customers the traditional features as well as the cultural essence of Vietnamese people, especially their truth sincere and hospitality.With a reliable and resilient cooperating spirit and comprehensive benefits brought to our partners, we believe that this would be a potential opportunity for Golden Lotus to cooperate with our customers and our partners to develop the hotel more and more strongly and affirm its position in the domestic and international market.

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